Rex Slayer
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  • yo when play for bw mono cup gmt +8
    830pm thursday -5 should work
    online as shiraiki on main server
    Rex Slayer
    Rex Slayer
    Oh my god I'm so sorry! I thought you said Friday not Thursday. I should have double check yesterday. Are you still available to play today or a time favorable to you? I understand if I cause any issues
    hey, when play for sv mono cup, my timezone is gmt -5, prefer wednesday/Thursday/Friday afternoon/evening
    Rex Slayer
    Rex Slayer
    Oh we have the same time zone great. Can you play on Wednesday 4:30pm?
    works see you then
    hey, when do u wanna play for mono sm cup, i'm gmt-5
    Rex Slayer
    Rex Slayer
    I get back from school at 3:30 pm, are you free to play on Saturday or Friday? I have some studying I need to do for school before I can start preping
    yea friday is fine
    Rex Slayer
    Rex Slayer
    I'm on, 'll prob be on for next hour or two. If you can't make it we can always try tomorrow or a later date.
    mono ssnl, I'm gmt+1. I can play almost every evening/night my time
    Probably today I can play also later cause tomorrow I'm free, so don't worry
    Rex Slayer
    Rex Slayer
    I'm on today, though give few mins to load some teams on my phone
    Rex Slayer
    Rex Slayer
    My mom wants me come help with moving my sister's new mirror at my sis place
    Mono ssnl I'm +0, how is 4pm on Sunday?
    Rex Slayer
    Rex Slayer
    My time zone is gmt -6, I think it works unless my mom takes me to church on that day. I let you know in advance if that the case on Thursday.
    Trogba Trogba
    Trogba Trogba
    Okay thank you, hopefully see you then!
    Yo, Mono SSNL, GMT+1, when can you battle ?
    Rex Slayer
    Rex Slayer
    My time zone is gmt -6, I can usually battle after 3:30 pm to 9:30 my time zone on weekdays cause of school. However, on weekends I am more free and can bend my schedule
    Rex Slayer
    Rex Slayer
    Dose Saturday work for you? I can wake early to match a more favorable time.
    Saturday should be good, I can go until midnight my time
    yo, mono ssnl, can u play tomorrow around 9:30pm gmt+2 ?
    I can't play after 9:30pm+2 today sry. Any chance u can play before 7pm+2 Wednesday?
    If not I can play Friday at 11pm+2
    Rex Slayer
    Rex Slayer
    Friday works the best
    i'm on main as dunoks if u wanna play earlier
    hey ! we are paired for the mono SSNL, i'm gmt +1. when are you available ?
    Rex Slayer
    Rex Slayer
    Hi, my time zone is CDT/gmt -5, I am mostly available after 3:40 Pm my time on weekdays
    text me on discord, Jeza.p#5036 pleaseee
    Hi, we play for blt. I'm gmt +1, I can be flexible on weekend but i'll be a bit busy on weekdays. lmk what works for you
    Rex Slayer
    Rex Slayer
    Hi my time zone is currently CDT/GMT-5. Dose Saturday 7:00 AM CDT work for you? I would probably be to sleepy if I work up earlier then that.
    It sounds good, see you then
    Seed mono prefer asap can u play today
    Rex Slayer
    Rex Slayer
    I can get on to play against you after I get back from school. Which is 3:30 CDT and I probably stay on showdown casually for another 4 hours after.
    Hello, we are paired for Mono Poor Man's. When can you play this weekend? I can make most times apart from 9-11PM Eastern everyday.
    What times are you available tomorrow? I can try for 5PM again but that's not ideal and would prefer earlier if possible.
    Rex Slayer
    Rex Slayer
    Oof sorry yesterday I also forgot. I will be on showdown all day which is like now to like 6pm you're time
    I'll head on PS now and see if we can meet up
    mono ssnl, prefer asap
    Rex Slayer
    Rex Slayer
    Hello My time zone is CDT(gmt-5) and I'm free to battle you on showdown from 3:30 pm to 9:30 pm on regular weekdays. On the weekends I can battle you from 7:00 am to 10:30 pm (CDT) with you. Maybe we can battle at 4:30 pm cdt, at Wednesday since you wanna play soon.
    How about 7pm your time Wednesday?
    Rex Slayer
    Rex Slayer
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