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  • Smogon masters gmt-4 I am available to play every weekdays after 6 PM (not Saturday or sunday availability). And If you can't make your mind on a time to play, I will recommend Thursday at 8PM. Let me know which one works for you!
    hey, I think we are paired for lc seasonal, im gmt-7 and free most days after 4pm my time, i would prefer our communication to be on discord ty it would make stuff a lot easier, my username is g0dlythings, if you dont have discord thats fine too. glhf
    i also posted this in ur dms but apparently thats the wrong place
    yo, we play for EPL, im +2 and available after 6pm my time on Wednesday & Friday, or anytime on weekends
    Hi, when could you play for the EPL?
    I could be able at 19:00 GMT+2 onwards everyday except for Thursday
    Im gmt -3, i can play now
    If u cant letsgo tomorrow (19:00 GMT+2)
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