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  • Legal yes, legit no. I don't encourage it though, I don't like dealing with it, given that asking about legitimacy is a taboo thing at least in the wi-fi questions thread, etc.
    lol, i get a self accomplishment thing out of it, takes forever though XD
    mainly tired of trading, im focusing on badges and contributing now.
    Battle wild Pokemon and/or opposing trainers' Pokemon as well as using vitamins. If it involves AR or Pokesav, at the very least, you have to be clear you do that - a number of people (myself included) don't like that.
    Yes, I have everything listed in my thread, including that Lugia. Why?
    my squirtle for mattj's extremespeed dragonite? sorry for the late reply btw.
    I saw it, but I'm very picky: for example ill only accept a 31/31/31/x/31/31 adamant lucario and I'll refuse a 31/31/30/x/31/31 one so you've to be as good as possible to get flawless stuff via soft resetting if you want, that's up to you. i remember pokemon you breed need to be flawless.
    Well theres no point in getting non flawless stuff in these days. I'll be happy to check your trade thread again when you add some new RNG'd stuff.
    not legit at all. hacked movesets too. releasing them would be best. They were fun to battle with though. fantasy mew - belly drum baton pass. haha
    well i have to think a bit on it. if you can RNG you can always RNG a pokemon for me.
    gotta eat now.
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