Shinx The Jinx
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  • Hey there! I'm your opponent for the Rands Slam IX Gen 9 Open. I'm in EST, and am free Wednesday the 19th, Thursday, and Saturday after 7pm EST. I can also do Friday the 21st from 12pm to 2pm EST as well
    Shinx The Jinx
    Shinx The Jinx
    Oh snap, I totally forgot, is it too late to do it?
    Hello ! I'm your first opponent in the Gen 8 Randbat Open. My timezone is +2, what about you ? I should be free this weekend, mostly Saturday, and Sunday morning too.
    hi, we're paired for the ubers seasonal, when do u want to schedule?
    ugh u said u'll come and u didn't, hope u'll be here tomorrow or sunday
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