Shiny Exploud
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  • Hi, I have an egg that matches your TSV 0164 Percy. It's an Adamant Riolu 31/31/31/x/31/31 in a Quick Ball. It doesn't need a nickname and any hatch location is fine. Are you willing to hatch it for me? :)
    Shiny Exploud
    Shiny Exploud
    hello, sorry I just saw this message now! Yea no prob man, but I won't be able to do the trade until this coming weekend, would that be alright? =]
    I got it hatched, Thanks anyway!
    Hi, I have an egg that matches your TSV! I'd appreciate it if you could hatch it for me!
    Here's its info: Riolu (♂) Jolly Inner Focus Dark 0164.
    My info: FC-3840-6808-7527 IGN-Brett
    Timezone-GMT-6, available randomly.
    Shiny Exploud
    Shiny Exploud
    sure! but the earliest i can get to you will be this coming friday, is that alright?
    Yeah that's perfectly fine!
    Hello. I have an egg that mactches yout tsv 0164
    FC: 1693-1390-2638 IGN: Cucuchi
    Timezone: GMT-4 (Every day randomtime)

    Thanks in advance
    Shiny Exploud
    Shiny Exploud
    Hello! I'll be happy to help you hatch that Aron, but the earliest I can do it will be this coming weekend. Is that alright? =]
    ok :)
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