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  • I'm taking down the Pokémon Amethyst sprite website in the next couple days. I'll be keeping an archive of all the activity and sprites, in case anyone comes asking!
    Hi, if you're interested in Electric: (Dedenne, Electabuzz, Luxio) please add me 1719-4350-0416
    Yours is good I like it, might actually be one of the better Spritzee's I've seen. If you make a back I'd use it as well.
    Greets, sir :) I was feeling somewhat nostalgic and wanted to say hi to you and stuff :P
    So... Hello! hope life is treating you excellently and all.
    Didn't realize you wanted to stay "mysteriousssss," lol. Alrighty then.

    Good to have you back, by the way, even if we pretty much never talk. :>
    Lol. I'd draw you a Politoed but it'd turn out all blurry and bad and yeah. RitterCat and NastyJungle make good avatars. :>
    Hey man. Nice sprites!
    My only nitpick is with the Jynx sprite.
    In this image you posted in the second to last page:
    Showing the original art of Jynx. It is cross eyed, while your pixel over has centred, blank eyes. I think it'd really make an improvement if you moved (our) left pupil towards the right, mainly on the attitude I s'pose of the sprite by giving it an awkward air, as I imagined Jynx to be.
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