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  • hey when do you want to play for the ou release tour, im gmt -7
    my gmt is -4, sunday?
    id rather play saturday but i can try to get on sunday if you cant play sat
    Hi we're paired for the Doubles Tournament. When can you play? I'm good most weekdays 5-10 GMT -5 (EST)/
    How about tuesday night? Or maybe next Monday? Tomorrow I'll be on at 10 your time, or next monday around 5 your time. Or maybe this Saturday some time... When do ya think?
    hey man, can you please do me a favor
    3:22 PM
    vm staraptor and tell him that i have been on grotto po waiting for him since 11am and i'm gonna be here till like 430 before i head out
    WhiteQueen: can you send straraptor a vm or pm on the forums and tell him that i will be on po grotto around 6pm est on the weekdays, and i will be on there a lot of the weekend waiting for him to get our rd#3 ost match done
    Ok, I would prefer Sunday, unless you are willing to play today within the hour. I will look for you on Sunday if not, and if we don't find each other on the forums at the same time then, I should be available throughout the week day since I am on holiday break. We have until the 29th to complete these games, so it shouldn't be a problem. Let me know what times are generally best for you and I will see what I can do; I can be very flexible with timing.
    hey, when do you wanna play bw uu? i`m gmt +1, tell me when you are available. You can also find me on irc at #pokemon or #spl
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