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  • I will try to be there.

    Also given the fact that showdown pm system doesn't alert when someone pm's, can you also try to pm me on irc when you get online?
    hey bro .

    me vs you in rby tradebracks.

    When do you can to play?

    I can tomorrow 10 pm in my timezone
    gmt -3

    Me disseram que vc eh br xD.
    Yeah this week-end works fine. I'm GMT+2 and I'll be able to play after the ST or tomorrow.
    When can we play for the metagame tweak tournament? I'd prefer to do it tomorrow at around 4 pm est
    Ugh you're not answering at all, ill be back in exactly 2 hours alter so we can battle mmk
    Hey we are matched for the pound for pound tournament; if we could play on the weekend it would be awesome; we got to play ubers. My timezone its GMT -3.
    alright ill just come on periodically. august and aug are both registered on po main (lol wtf) so ill be on as tinstrong
    dang missed you again... i am available tomorrow from 11 pm to 5 pm est and then after 8 est...
    cool ill catch you online there probably tomorrow.. what times / what username?
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