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  • Heya! We are playing for T4 of the vgc tour. I am gmt-6. I can play 6pm-9pm weekdays. I am going to an irl tour this weekend so my weekend availability may be spotty barring mornings. What days and times work for you?
    Hello! We are paired in the VGC swiss tournament, I am GMT+11. Deadline is September 17th.

    I am usually available any evening (21-0h my zone), would that work for you? If not, what are your availabilities?
    hey, know we were talking on my page, but you can take the win. Not in the mood to play today, glhf with the rest of the tour fam
    got it and thank you
    I hope everything is alright
    Hello! We play for Smogon Winter League II Playoffs. I am time zone PST (California, -0800, current time 13:11). I am free weekdays after 7pm and all day Sunday.
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