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  • Yo Taruzard, when you read this, can you get me a Modest Male Deino with Earth Power? You can message me on Skype too :O
    actually, any Modest Earth Power Deino will work, I can breed for the IVs myself
    Awww that sucks... did you ever finish leaning Japanese?
    Nah, it's an on and off thing for me. xD Ill be doing it for a few months then stop, then have to go back and all revisit alot of what I already knew xD I'm slowly getting there but i haven't really looked over it much recently :p
    Lol well learning another language is HARD so it takes a lot of focus and concentration to do so, I hope that you can do it :3

    also I bet you are looking SUPER Kawaii today X3
    wow dude how did I manage to not be the first one to say happy birthday to a guy who still has VMs from October on his front page...

    well I did say it on skype so I guess it's all good in the hood
    You're legal to drink in the US now if you ever decide to come here...I'd say I'd buy you a drink but I still can't, lol.
    Ive been legal to drink here for a good while, though I only drink every now and then.
    Im so thirsty ; ;
    Let me know when you c an trade for Frillish. I am still growing Starf and lasatts, not sure iftheywill be ready today, but you can have a pair when they are done if you want.
    woops, accidentally cancelled there :P
    Hello, Would you mind adding my FC please ?
    My FC is 2165 - 6488 - 2401 (This one has Rhydon,Pupitar, and Nosepass)
    Hey Taruzard can you hatch a egg for me ? i will give you a perfect iv mon like noivern or scyther :D
    Hey, I have a egg that match your SV can you hatch it for me :)
    (I dont want a nickname)
    My FC: 2509 - 2290 - 2153
    Hey could you hatch an egg for me? i can give you a perfect scyther egg for your trouble my FC is 2809-8702-3555 ign: Cherie

    EDIT: sorry i made a mistake, my egg value is 2561 and urs is 2651 xD
    hey i need your help to hatch an egg with 2651 sv, i already add you my FC is: 5300 9457 5707 and my name in game is Ivve, thanks so much, no nick names please, no nick names please
    Added but you havent added back, apparently :P
    Hi, I was wondering if you could add my FC so that I can catch some Growlithe and Ninetales. I have a Chansey Safari myself, so it's not entirely useless. Here's my FC: 4854-6541-4423

    Would be much appreciated.
    Cool, cool, but could you do it with a game that you have beaten the E4 on, if you have one? Cause Ninetales won't show up for me otherwise.
    Oh, right. I forgot about that xD my bad one sec.
    Haha, it's cool. Thanks again for your help.
    Hi there!
    Could you possibly add me? I'd appreciate it if you could hatch my Mawile egg (and nickname it "Xion?")
    My code is 1203-9861-4111

    I'll gladly throw you a 4 IV Outrage Gible for the trouble :^)
    Hey there, I was wondering if you could add me, I have a Swablu egg to hatch please FC: 4296-3483-2031
    Can't play X/Y for a bit. 3DS XL decided to break on me, can't even turn it on, and it's charging.
    I saw your FC in the Friend Safari google doc. Mind adding me back? 0361-6922-2776

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