i feel like a good big sister because my little brother was getting bullied by this girl. she rides my bus, so i decided to talk to her, (i alread talked to her sister before and it continued.) i told her something like " You need to stop bulling my little brother, i already talked to your big sister about it and the bus driver, it needs to stop....don't lie to me, you just told him very rudely 'if you don't like it, then don't sit back here'. i can't stand it when people lie to me." then she passed a note to my little brother which he wrote a note on for me to read and said not to read the other page; i read it anyways. i told her " Im not being mean im being honest. he tells me that in class you stab him with a sharp pencil. if this continues i will talk to my older brother who is best friends with the principals son, or i will personally walk to the elementary school and talk to him myself." my little brother says i made her cry. *they are both in fourth grade* I should of felt bad, but i didn't......so whats up?