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  • Hey Teremiare, when are you free from today through wednesday for rbtt? I'm GMT+0, I can play almost whenever during this period accommodating to you
    when ssb tour gmt+1
    Some time after 17:00 tomorrow (can play basically any time from then to deadline), you can pick a time or we can just play whenever you find me online.
    So I randomly bumped into your profile and noticed this cute wolfo avatar, I like it uwu
    Hi ! Do you know if Scrappie will be back to stay one of those days and if not, if there is a way to get back the ab list for a specific room ? Just so we can move the bot bl to server bl. If not we will simply look at the modlog I guess.
    It's currently unclear if we'll get it going again but if you need any data for a room you can pm me on ps or discord and I'll get it for you.
    Hey man, when would you like to play for pspl? I'm gmt -4
    that works
    hey, what times can you play today/tommorow?

    im free rn if you can play
    I should be able to play in like an hour or so from now and I'll be available for pretty much the rest of today and tomorrow
    That happens when something in the battle causes the bot's battle scripts to crash. I don't know exactly what caused it in this battle and it's unlikely that we'll fix it unless we remake scrappie's battle code completely.
    do u think a large amount of battles occuring simultaneously could have caused it.
    I doubt it, they're usually caused by scrappie receiving a message it doesn't know know how to handle.
    Ok so I'm actually being serious now it's been a week since u banned me even tho it said only a few days (the definition of few is 3-5) and I'm ready to recover from the tremendous amount of decay so if u could unban me now that would be great.
    Duckymomo Senior
    Duckymomo Senior
    All u have to do is type /unban Duckymomo Senior it's not that hard. I don't know if there's like a few more hours left or something, but if I haven't got the damn message yet I don't think a few more hours is going to do it
    I'm still banned u said only a few days and it's been a few days unban me or I will file a complaint to your superiors and u will be banned for life. I know that the term "a few days" is subjective, but that's your fault for not clarifying. Anyways please unban me and I will leave u alone. You'll never hear from me again. Fail to oblige and u will suffer my wrath, and believe me, u don't want that.
    I'm ready to suffer your wrath.
    Duckymomo Senior
    Duckymomo Senior
    That's what they all say. Later they wish they knew what was about to unravel, but their feeble imaginations simply couldn't begin to conceive the horror that was about to be bestowed upon them and they gazed in catatonic fear as I unleashed the diabolical mental warfare that is my fury upon their oblivious souls. This will be your final warning. Unban me or suffer the same fate as those who have fallen before you.
    Duckymomo Senior
    Duckymomo Senior
    I don't think you understand the gravity of the situation. Your life will fall apart if you cross me. It will crumble into a thousand tiny pieces and it will take years for you to restore it back to its original state. I am capable of devising plans that no one can even dream of. I am exceptional. I am the greatest. Hail Lord Waterfowl.
    Thanks for the help with the tournament scoring and elo decay. Have now implemented the tournament scoring as a Google Sheets formula and will calculate elo using the JS script and putting it into Sheets and then applying elo decay manually. Hope that my society members will be happy!
    whoops kinda late but u didnt contact either: when do u wanna play ourpl? im gmt-5
    Since the match won't affect the result and it may be hard to schedule either way, you can take the win (fwiw).
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