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  • Hi, BDSP OU Summer SSNL, I am +2. Id prefer my evening on everyday of the week but Thursday if possible.
    Hi, we are for BDSP Monotype. I can play every days after 6:30pm (GMT+1), what's work for you?
    Hi, we're paired for BDSP Thingy. When would you like to play? I'm GMT+1 and free most evenings and late afternoons.
    Im working on Youtube stuff all day from home so just shoot me a msg here and ill be able to play. Anytime from 12pm-4pm PST would be perfect but im open all day
    Ara ara
    Ara ara
    I'd be online on main now as Ara ara<3 in case you're free now
    ill log on THATSAplusONE
    Hi, when do you want to play for RU Seasonal? I'm gmt+2 free mostly evenings on weekdays and weekends.
    Hey, when are you available for the VGC tourney? I'm GMT -6, and I'll be available most of tomorrow and Monday from 10:30 AM onwards, most other days I'll be available from around 7:30 PM to 1:00 AM (my time). Let me know what times work for you.
    i'm online now, but ill be online all day tomorrow. wanna try to play a game?
    lol I just happen to be unable to sleep today. I'll get on Showdown, I'll be in the VGC room
    sounds good :)
    we got matched up for bs triples tour, i'm gmt -5 and can make most times.
    doubles seasonal tour, GMT+8 available 6PM-Midnight weekdays and anytime Sunday
    We're up for OST. I'm gmt -5 and can be on p often.
    Hey the deadline's in less than 24 hours. I can play anytime before the deadline tomorrow afternoon (after 9 AM your time) and I'd really like to get this done. When can you play?
    Sorry about this. you have been doing a great job of trying to keep in contact with me and we just cant seem to get this match done. I think you should just take the win. gl in the rest of the tourney buddy.
    No problem. If you can jump on in the next few hours or so we should play, otherwise I'll claim activity. You've been awesome in this too :)
    Hey, we got paired up for the LC swiss tour. I'm GMT -8, so scheduling shouldn't be a problem hopefully. When would a battle work for you?
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