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  • hello am i too late to join the world cup of pokemon or do i need to post on that forum first.
    You can post in that thread until it closes. You're welcome to ask for tryouts in the discord channel I listed further down on this wall, but be advised that US East isn't actively looking for more players at this point.
    gotta say, I appreciate your "how to not piss of auth" guide; I've linked that in pms to way too many people :')
    hey tobes we play SPL

    i've got a migraine right now and don't really want to think about my schedule but what's yours like? i'm pretty flexible and can make most dates if we need but my preference is toward the weekend. hope we have a good series
    i understand. i'll see if i can get off early thurs & we'll go from there.
    10:30 EST is the earliest i can play thurs night. are you available to play a whole series then?
    Sure, that's not a problem at all.
    Hey! We are opponents this week in SPL. When can you play?
    I am GMT+1 and those are the times that work for me best this week: Tue evening my time (7pm-11pm), Sat all day but not evening (so like until 5pm or something) and Sun evening (7pm-11pm). Does any of those work for you? If yes tell me which one and please don't expect me to be online without explicitly sceduling ;) If not, tell me times that work for you.
    okay. Then Sunday 10pm GMT+1 it is. cya then
    Just to be safe, Golden Gyarados pointed out that on Sunday the clocks are turned forward 1 hour in the US. That should mean 10 pm mytime is 5 pm yours (not 4 pm as it currently is), right?
    I believe so. I'll likely be on a bit early regardless just in case.
    sry i didnt respond to your thing earlier, yeah that makes a lot more sense. just finished the baby face fight, but i really hope the animation comes out soon because i had no clue what was going on during the grateful dead fight
    Hey as talked about on discord. We'll tentatively schedule our game Friday 10PM EST (1 PM Saturday GMT+10) or if that falls through Sunday 10PM EST.
    Hi, when do you want to play for SPL? Weekend may be best considering our timezones tbh (Im +1), maybe something like 1-3 PM est idk
    first mmz and now jojo, u have good taste
    ty, ty. really looking forward to the Vento Aureo anime; can't wait to see Grateful Dead + Beach Boy, White Album, and Green Day fighte animated
    unfortunately i havent kept up with anything aside from the anime, but part 5 llooks interesting enough so i might get to reading that
    Hey Tobes! It's SPL time! I'm GMT-6, and my best availability is Wednesday Jan 11 from 9-9:30 or 9:30-10am, Wednesday Jan 11 at 4:30-5pm, Thursday Jan 12 from 9-9:30 or 9:30-10am, and Friday Jan 13 at 9-9:30 or 9:30-10am. Looking forward to it!
    i didnt like your last posts. dont try to provoke me. it can become a dangerous game. stop it and no1 is gonna get hurt.

    Like that little declaration is so ridiculous I'm tempted to just leave this response as jut "lol", but I try to give people a fair shake so I'll level with you.

    I am not explicitly targeting you. I do not care if I provoke you. If an idea amuses me, I will post it. Right now, you just happen to be drawing attention to yourself because you're carrying on in the thread like a child. You didn't get drafted, you're good enough that on skill level you should have been drafted. I get it, it sucks. But instead of whining maybe you should stop and reflect on the reason why nobody drafted you, and that's because no one wants to deal with you and your bitchass on their team. Take this season, or maybe even half-season if you're lucky and can get your shit together, to work on your attitude and behavior. There's more to this game than being good at it. It's pointless when no one wants to play with you.
    What's up my good man from Dream World OU
    Not much, mostly retired save for RBYing in WCoP and SPL. You?
    Seamus Eso
    Seamus Eso
    Joined for gen 7 after a long hiatus. Do you plan playing ou or ubers again
    Not likely
    hi, when can you play to complete Super Cup? I'm GMT+1.
    sure :)
    Hi again, any times you can get on smogtours and play, now? You got 2 games versus Beds, 2 against me. Then the tournament is 100% complete.
    Just woke up, on
    lets play this weekend for rby super cup?
    Sunday? I'm GMT -4
    it should work, 3 pm est?
    Sure, that should be fine
    Yo, I'll probably be unavailable on friday and saturday night this week, apart from that I can do pretty much whenever. Gmt+2 still etc etc
    Hey, something came up with my car so I need to take it in ASAP. I need to reschedule to Sunday at noon. Sorry about that.
    No problem, let's just pretend I didn't forget either and went out instead. Sunday is fine
    Hey bud, I think I'm going to have to just forfeit this one. There's too much shit going on right now that I need to slog through. We can play some casual games some other time.
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