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  • Hey, I love your work and wanted to reach out for a Custom Avatar. I hope you can take the comission and for more information, please reach out to my Discord (michaelderbeste)
    Hey sorry, this completely fell outside my radar, I've been quite busy for the past weeks but should be opening comms in a week or so if you're still interested
    Hey we recently won NDPL and would love to get you for our custom. my discord is w3sleyy. hope you can take our commission
    Hey congrats on winning! unfortunately I'm pretty busy atm, can't take on any commissions right now
    Hey ! We recently won the MPL X and I wanted to ask u for the CA. So if u are available we can maybe discuss of it on discord? (my discord is cielau)
    I LOVE the kill bill CA that you made, it's so cool.
    Ah thanks! It was a fun one to make, though the idea came from blunder
    hey, I recently managed the winning team of this years npl and was wondering if you were interested in making the custom ava for us?
    Didn´t find your disc on your art thread but if you accept would be great to talk about it there.
    Thanks in advance
    Hey fellows Arknights Doctor! Do you plan on returning to participate in Pet Mods any time soon? I and another person have been submitting Arknights operators as potential Pokémon in a certain Pet Mod. If you'd like to know the link to the thread for it, let me know.
    (for the record, if you're playing on Global AK, my account is Reina9#1188, currently at the level that is the same as the max level for a Pokémon)
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