Tushar Cool
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  • Thinking about it, you are prolly right, Twave on celebi hits what thunder on clef would para anyways, so maybe tbolt would be better :D
    (Deleted the Link Btw :D)
    Hiya fren. I was just wonderin.. what's your PS! name? :o
    Tushar Cool
    Tushar Cool
    I thought u can here to warn me .-. , btw hi n_n my PS name is Tushar Raj , Tushar Raj's Alt , Tushar Cool and Tushar Cool's Alt... :3
    Tushar Cool
    Tushar Cool
    Actually my PS name are :p
    Hello there! I'm not a mod or anything, but I have an issue with something you posted in an RMT awhile back.

    "Uh it looks like u r new to competitive battling"

    While I'm sure it wasn't your intention, that sentence just came off as such a back-handed insult

    Is it possible if you were to edit your post to remove that part from your rate?

    Charilax Blastler, he means that sentence specifically. It makes it sound like you called them a noob/bad and there's no reason to include it in your rates.
    Tushar Cool
    Tushar Cool
    But I will be aware in future :3...
    Tushar Cool
    Tushar Cool
    Oh wait , I posted u r new to competitive battling u mean? Got it , sorry I will edit it and will be aware in future.
    getting a bit sick of deleting your posts,
    quit posting one-liners everywhere, it's getting way too annoying, post when you have something important to say not everytime something goes through your mind.

    thanks, I'll start to infract from now on if I find your posts contentless or useless
    Tushar Cool
    Tushar Cool
    -.- , fine ,but what should I had wrote??? In that one(which was very useful). O.o
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