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  • Yep im here, whatsup

    EDIT: ill be here for about another hour and a half =D

    Edit2: awww nuts, i got to ya 6 minutes after you posted, but its late so i understand going to bed. If you want you can leave me a VM on when you will be on tomorrow...and i can be on and waiting and clone for you.

    EDIT: i have a quick meeting from 6-7 pm. Other than that I am free all day again
    Duo man. Hey im free all night and all day tomorrow so if you ever need tms or moms cloned etc....just leave a vm and ill hop right on, doesn't matter the size of the job lol
    aye aye, as long as its after 5:15 pm est, you can have my full attention.
    The one holding Exp. Share is your original

    People seem to like Heart Scales for the move tutor
    And I dont need another Aerodactyl so you got my old amber :P
    hmmm, it seems you no longer require my aid?

    If thats the case i might go to bed soon. Sorry i missed you again. Maybe i can help next time?
    Do you need any other items or TMs or anything?
    I can give them to the other 3 sythers
    and yep its Flawless
    hey man, just got back from superbowl party.

    I saw your VM. Still need some cloning?
    So you want 3 Sythers and 3 Scizors?
    Ill just clone 5 times, and give 3 metal coats
    No problem and yeah I did
    Zubat 31/31/30/30/30/30
    magikarp 31/31/31/31/31/31
    No i prefer pokes without nicknames but thanks anyways

    Im giving you 2 of the Misdreavus's I bred today, you can find there stats either in my thread or the rate my poke thread

    Feel free to keep them or pass them back, I dont mind

    Ill confirm your IVs for you aswell

    Im going into wifi now
    No problem, I'll tell you if/when I get it I have a written guide for platinum captures if you want, a lot of the concepts are similar so since you're quite smart you might be able to work it out for HG.
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