Uta The Clown
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  • Ay! I know they said to wait to play our match but I figured it would be best to reach out for a schedule regardless to know when you are available. I'm in Eastern Standard Time (Chile Standard Time, if you will)
    we're playing for multi random, and my partner and I can play any time in the next 4 hours today, and morning/afternoon tomorrow in gmt -4. It would be extremely preferred to get this game done before wednesday because I'm gonna be very busy starting from then until the end of the week
    Uta The Clown
    Uta The Clown
    Yeah I work all week except Wednesday tomorrow. If you can do it anytime tomorrow let me know
    Can you play at 11 am gmt -4 today?
    Randbats classic open, i'm GMT-4
    Uta The Clown
    Uta The Clown
    I should be open Wednesday at anytime past noon.
    hey, i'm free from now, i'll be on main as iamfakee, chall whenever
    Hey we should probably schedule for classic, free most days from 3pm to 12am GMT -4 (only available until like 5pm on Saturday tho)
    Hey, we need to play for randbats classic, I am from gmt+5:30 and can do evenings my time
    Uta The Clown
    Uta The Clown
    I can be on at 8pm tomarrow your time if that works?
    sure that works, see you then
    Dear Uta, we are scheduled to play. I am Sydney time, AEST. I can be on from 4 pm - 1 am my time.
    Uta The Clown
    Uta The Clown
    Since the deadline is today we can play whenever you get on
    hey, when do you wanna play for uu majors? listed my availability in the pm, i should be free for most of today
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