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  • Hi. We're up for the draft summer seasonal
    What's your tz and when are you free? I'm on GMT+2
    hello, we are opps for r3 of usum draft. I'm gmt-4 and free after 10pm or before 2pm each day. I'd much prefer to play before the weekend if possible, but I can probably do it if you have to over the weekend. Lmk what will work best for you.
    hiya, i'm your opponent in round 2 of usum draft! :) i'm gmt+1 and working during the weekday so this weekend suits me best, but can do weekday evenings this week if necessary!
    can't do next week at all as i'm on holiday
    let me know what works for you~
    just publicly confirming that our match is saturday 22nd april at 6pm gmt+1 :)
    Hey, we play for r3 of the smog draft tour. I am pst and any evening thursday onwards should be good for me. Let me know your availability and if that wouldn't work. Thanks gl.
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