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Hi, when can we play for gen 3 randbats? I am +2 and I can play tomorrow the whole day, friday the whole day, sunday the whole day, or some hours during the other days. Tell me when you can so we make a plan, I am quite flexible.
You are a player with the potential to be really good, but nearly every community I know that has come in contact with you speaks ill due to your refusal to be a decent team member, so I hope you can grow out of your whiny teenager phase and not be a nuisance to other players.
Wait, New Zealand?! well, scheduling is gonna be interesting if you are there for sure... so lets see, we play for UUBD and my timezone is currently GMT -5. I would prefer to play on weekend given the week is super busy for me so yeah, let me know what time works on Sunday or something
Hi, when do you want to play for ZUPL? I'm GMT+2 and relatively free Thursday, Friday and Saturday. Possibly Sunday as well, but I won't know before Wednesday. Have a good week!
Hello! Please message me on Discord if possible for scheduling for the WCOR. I would like to play this or next weekend. @ blunderpolicy If you can't message me on Discord I can message here but I am far less frequently on here.