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  • Yo when do you want to play for the Round 3 of Summer Seasonal draft tournament ? I m gmt+2 and can play Thursday, Friday and Sunday
    Hey, we play for round 1 OST. I'm gmt. Im good wed- 6-8pm and flexible on the weekend, just let me know whats good for you
    ok cool sounds good! i am free wednesday, saturday, and sunday! if you reaaally want we can squeeze something in on tuesday but i doubt either of us want to go at this without any prep at all. i'm EST by the way.
    If you can do 6-8pm gmt on wednesday thats great. otherwise saturday or sunday could be easier since I'm 5 hours ahead of you. I could do any time saturday before like 11pm
    hmm maybe we should do saturday then. my discord is wormfan76. you should friend me on there so that we can coordinate more easily. i'm really excited to play you!
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