weirdo faye
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  • For whoevers asking about wcop my timezone is gmt+8/singapore time, I sent for pc for repairs it will be back latest by 4th June. If it comes back earlier I'm down to play earlier, I prefer my night time.
    Hi,i help lza to schedule WCOP,he's timezone is GMT+8,when you free?
    weirdo faye
    weirdo faye
    要的话, 我今晚9-10点能玩
    weirdo faye
    weirdo faye
    这样的话到时候再说吧,我比较喜欢晚上玩,不然你无妨在discord加我个朋友: dreame2191,想玩的时候喊我一声,我看自己那时有空吗
    Hello! We're paired up for the WCOP. I'm GMT +1. If you're interested in playing this week, I can play on the weekend between 7PM and 11PM my time.
    weirdo faye
    weirdo faye
    Yes, I did ask u if u can be around earlier specifically on the weekends. As for leaving this for last week, I prefer to play earlier, but if theres no timing we can come to an agreement on, then sure, contact me again on the last week.
    I could probably play you early next week on the weekend if you don't want to play on the last week.
    weirdo faye
    weirdo faye
    Watever works for u ig, msg me again about this another time. or just dm me on discord plz its easier dreame2191
    Oras uu slam -5 when would you like to play
    weirdo faye
    weirdo faye
    My timezone is gmt+8/singapore time. I'm free to play any day during 8pm to 12midnight my time. Otherwise let's play on the weekends. Can u msg me on discord 'dreame2191'? It's easier that eay for me at least
    Oras when would u like to play -5
    weirdo faye
    weirdo faye
    I'm gmt+8/singapore timezone, if you are around in my evening time (8pm-12mn) on weekdays I can play anyday. If this time is not convenient for you, let's just play on the weekends usually I'm free all day. Or u can msg me on discord (dreame2191), I find it easier that way then going through smogon forums. ^^
    oras uu , lets go right now?
    weirdo faye
    weirdo faye
    ill be up for another hour if u see this
    weirdo faye
    weirdo faye
    otherwise my timezone is gmt+8/singapore time, im free nighttime during weekdays, weekends more flexible and can be discussed
    weirdo faye
    weirdo faye
    heading off now, if you happen to be online at anytime, just message me on showdown, my ign is weirdofaye i dont play alts, have a good day ^^
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