Winters Zombie
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  • "pronouncing jebal?" I'll make it easy for you.
    je = ja in jam
    bal -> ba in banana and add the "L"
    mmm, lets just say making full sentences in Korea is not the same as the U.S (Sadly)
    Like..; "I like bikes." becomes "I bikes like." when you translate it in to Korean. (나는(I) 자전거를(Bikes) 좋아해(Like).
    Also, ~하세요 has the meaning as "Go do ~"
    Please = 제발

    EDITED Read again lol/
    lol I can help you if you want but I'm not sure I'll be very helpful though lol.
    And ur sig: GET WELL SOON 수영. 하세요!
    Is 수영 sick? And why is "하세요!' after the period? o.o
    At first, I saw it as 수영 하세요! which means "Go Swim!" Just curious o.o
    And I'm assuming your a fan of SNSD (소녀시대) and especially 수영. =D
    Yeah, I guess I'm fluent in Korean since I've lived here for a long time =D
    Still, I'm better at English though lol
    Yes indeed! I will no learn the new way of breeding though cause you can abuse a combo for a specific pid in like 5 mins and i have only 3 breeds left:). Got caught up a little in 4th gen though:)
    It's so amusing watching DMP this not bother with the whole thing emu vs retail. Some people are just hard headed!
    Technically, it's done. I'm having issues with some of the entries not working right on either word or Smogon in a variety of ways...right now the images were lost somehow. So I have the formatting, but not the ball or Poke sprites. I'm really getting angry with it.
    Yeah, but I'm pretty sure you don't want it turned on you like the bald guy. Hahaha You want to play with my truck xP
    Oh no, so Hawaii was Hitlers next target :O But Hawaii sent a Grammar attack to stop the on coming Nazi invasion. Though this attack unfazed the Japanese, so they proceeded with the attack. History makes since now.... xD
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