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  • masters, -4, my availability is mostly on weekdays; my availability is sporadic throughout the morning/afternoon but the times i know i'll be available are 6:30-9pm monday, tuesday, thursday, 5pm-9pm wednesday, and anytime from 2pm onwards friday. not sure on sunday availability
    OOPS i didnt see your message sorry! I am gmt -7 i can play tonight or tomorrow if you cant you can grab activity win i forgot i signed up for this
    A Welcome Wakuarori
    A Welcome Wakuarori
    i'll grab act win
    hey, when do you wanna play for gsc cup? i'm on gmt-3, usually free after 10pm my time on weekdays and from 11am until 3pm on sat/sunday.
    rby, i am -7. can do after 5 pm tomorrow, more of the time friday-sunday
    Hi there, we are paired for r1 of DPP Classic, I'm gmt -4 and am free this evening if that works for you.
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