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  • Hey you still have a stealth rock swampert for trade?
    I don't know what you'd want and I don't have black and white, so I don't have many pokebank pokemon like your swampert. But I do have 4-5 iv impish sturdy skarmory w/stealth rock, brave bird, whirlwind. 4-5 iv multiscale dratini w/extreme speed, iron tail, dd. 4-5 iv unburden treecko w/egg moves? And I have a bunch of IV bred kalos pokemon. Just let me know what you're looking for
    do you have, or can do, trick room pokemon?
    The only good 4-5 IV pokemon I have that can earn trick room are slowpoke, duskull, frilish, and espurr. If you have something else in mind I can definitely breed it for you no problem
    I can do it tomorrow (16) or this next weekend my FC is 2466-2692-8715 reply to me when you are ready
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