Social Are you a parent? If not, do you ever want to have children?

With how old Pokémon is, I assume there's an increasing number of veteran fans growing up and having kids now. I started with Gen 2, so I think that qualifies me as a veteran, and I'm the proud father of a 2 year old girl. If you don't have any kids would you like to?

Also, do your kids like Pokémon? I've shown her bits of the original anime and she enjoyed it, although I don't plan on like, indoctrinating her with Pokémon, I think it's still pretty popular with kids but I won't be upset if she isn't interested in it when she's older


ace defective
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I have none yet but I do plan on having some in the future. I suppose that I'll be showing them the GameBoy era Pokémon anime and games, like how my father showed me the animes of his childhood when I was younger.

Then if they dare saying that the Switch 3D models are more beautiful than the GBC/GBA/DS 2D sprites, they'll be disowned :psysly:
I never really wanted kids in the first place, since as things are right now, I don't feel comfortable putting a living, breathing being into this hellhole we call society, but every time some dumb fucking idiot child cries on the bus or at a restaurant I can visibly feel my already minimal willingness to raise children dwindle further into nothingness.
If by some unfortunate circumstance miracle I do end up with a child, they will be trained from birth to play gen 7 ou like some strange child soldier (think raiden from metal gear except more autistic)


Pokémon Ranger: Guardian Signs superfan
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At this point in my life, whether or not I would be interested in eventually having children comes down to one thing- who would I be spending the rest of my life with? The incredibly sad reality is that I'm in my early 20s and can count on one hand the amount of times I've ever had feelings for another person. More important to this thread is the fact that stuff- just, stuff in general- is only getting more expensive over time, and as someone who already has a severe case of what I call "price anxiety", the last thing I want or need to worry about is how I can sustainably care for multiple people at a time. My point I'm trying to make here is that, from the outside looking in, relationships already look way too expensive and uncertain for my liking, so by extension, having a spouse and children sounds like borderline torture to me.

All of this being said, I do have a long-term plan in mind to eventually put myself out there, but for the purpose of this thread I'd be lying if I said I haven't considered the possibility of being an adoptive single parent. I would like to consider single parenthood as a last resort option for the sake of the child (or children)'s well-being and their own growing up, however. Preferably any children I have, adopted or not, would be able to have what some might consider "the full, positive childhood experience".

I will also take this moment to state that I am the uncle of an eight-month old child at the time of typing this. However, I feel I am in no place to tell the baby's parents how they should raise their own child, and as such I won't be posting about that here. (The parents are on good terms, so no need to worry about that.)
To preface this: I'm 19 years old and ever since I was a kid I wanted to have kids myself
Even if I don't get married I still want to at least adopt a child and make it's life as good as possible and be a better father than mine was
In general the idea of being a father makes me really happy - the thought of havin a little you you can teach and share stuff with seems incredible to me but even besides that, the fact that you are responsible for someones life and making them happy and watching them grow up seems like something that can never be equated with anything else and is one of the truly rare cases where you can say that money won't buy that type of happiness and experience.
Going to have to say no to both, not that it would matter much in the second question due to certain circumstances. I do have a niece who is very much into Pokémon. So much that I passed on most of my old Pokémon stuff to her knowing its in good hands, and I feel that's a good enough substitute.


I have thought about this a bit(even though im not at an age where I should be thinking about this), and I would love to have children, especially with someone special to my heart <333333. Would probably not adopt kids but could serve as that one uncle ig? if stuff doesnt work out
I like kids and I kinda like the idea of having some of my own, there are 2 things that make me question this though

1) I wouldn't feel comfortable with setting children into a world with a rather bleak future

2) I had no paternal figure growing up. My father wasn't really around and when he was, he was drunk. I don't have anything to go by if I were to have children

Also, I don't know if my genes are that great. For some reason, all the men in my family have bad livers. Diabetes runs rampant and, despite living a pretty healthy lifestyle, I sometimes have this yellow tinge on my skin and in my eyes.

Idk if I guess I would rather a adopt a kid. I would feed them lots of protein and starch, workout with them all the time (if they like that) and have the biggest, strongest kids


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No I don’t have kids yes I want them

I’m gonna teach them to love Pokémon and then play them sometime. I’m so excited to see the look on their faces when they think I was stupid for using a non-damaging move and then be overcome with dread when their Charizard takes 50 from rocks


formerly trainer_j0nathan
I'm not a parent and I don't know if I'll have kids.
It might be irresponsible cause idk how earth will look like in 50 years.
But the idea of being a father kinda excites me. I can't really describe why. I'd love to watch my own kid grow and discover all the beautiful things this world has to offer.
And all parents I've talked to said that their kids are the best thing that has ever happened to them.
So yeah I'm not sure.

Edit: I do also like the idea of adoption. Pregnancy and birth are painful and so many kids need parents.
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I am 13 and do wish do be a parent tho that might not happen
The only thing I am concerend about is whether I get a son or a daugther.
I feel like If i get a son I won't learn any more life skills but If i have a daugther maybe more of those will creep in for me.

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