Project RarelyUsed Teambuilding Competition: week 26: Slowbro-Galar

:sv/necrozma:Week 7: Necrozma:sv/necrozma:

The beast with a billion sets, Necrozma, is this week's star. With all the dark types being banned, the psychic types like Necrozma and Reuniclus are starting to get their moment. Necrozma has a lot of sets to choose from, even with its diminished movepool in gen 9. Swords dance, dragon dance, calm mind, meteor beam and more. You can use it as a high-damage lead, a scary endgame sweeper or perhaps even a bulky wall with moonlight. Find your one true Necrozma set and share it here.

Teambuilding criteria:
Your team submission must be legal in SV RU and have a Necrozma on it.

Submission deadline: Teams should be submitted by 11:59 PM (GMT-5) on Friday, April 26th, voting will then go until 11:59 PM (GMT-4) on Sunday April 28th.
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SD Partial Trick Room Necrozma Team
:necrozma: :krookodile: :terrakion: :araquanid: :sylveon: :salamence:
TBH, I faced like 7 different Trick Room Teams while testing this team, it was wild. Anyways, this is a partial trick room team that can still work outside of trick room. It centers around Necrozma who is a devestating trick room sweeper and the only trick room user on the team to destroy any unprepared team. This team can effectively make sure that its going frist all the time, which is very valuable.
Necrozma @ Heavy-Duty Boots
Ability: Prism Armor
Tera Type: Ground
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Atk / 4 SpD
Brave Nature
- Swords Dance
- Photon Geyser
- Earthquake
- Trick Room
Of course the main attraction of the team, SD Trick Room Necrozma can disrupt the speed of the battle immensly and be a devestating sweeper. One thing I found in testing is that its basically a 6-0 sweep against opposing trick room teams as it has enough speed to outspeed them while setting up constantly and reversing trick room, with enough bulk to live a few hits. Anyways, SD unlike DD is much more threatening quicker and with trick room, you can abuse the low speed stat and -speed nature to outspeed everything. Photon Geyser is amazing stab, with it massively outdamaging other psychic options. Earthquake is able to smack the steel types that resist psychic and most dark types are hit neutrally or super effectively by it. Tera ground allows it to boost earthquakes power and set up on thundurus therian potentially (grass knot never 2hit kos and focus blast is a measly 12.5% chance to 2hit ko). Overall, necrozma really puts in the work for this team and can be devestating as an early wallbreaker or a late game cleaner.
Krookodile @ Choice Scarf
Ability: Intimidate
Tera Type: Poison
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Knock Off
- Earthquake
- Stealth Rock
- Gunk Shot
The speed control of the team, scarf krook allows the team to be able to outspeed things outside of trick room and can provide a nice amount of utility to the team. I'll be real 90% of the time you will be clicking knock off, with 9% of the time clicking e-quake and the remaining 1% clicking the other moves. Knock off and E-quake are just good stab moves, stealth rock can be set up if krook is on its last legs and you feel that rocks would be more impactful. Finally, Gunk Shot and Tera poison can destroy fairy types that may try to wall its stab moves. Overall, krookodile isn't very special, but it has a very important role on the team.
Terrakion @ Life Orb
Ability: Justified
Tera Type: Normal
EVs: 8 HP / 252 Atk / 248 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Quick Attack
- Swords Dance
- Rock Slide
- Close Combat
The secondary sweeper on the team, terrakion is a great cleaner both in and outside trick room. Firstly, the speed evs are so in trick room you always outspeed opposing cobalion and terrakion while still being faster than stuff like iron leaves without a booster energy. SD allows terrakion to boost its offenses very quickly and along with life orb, can help it deal devestating damage. Rock slide was chosen over stone edge due to its higher consistency and close combat is just a great stab move. Now, quick attack and tera normal can be the ultimate cleaner and since this is a set I've used in OU, its much more powerful here. For reference, +2 tera normal quick attack has a pretty good chance to OHKO barra, can potentially OHKO gardevoir and does 70% minimum to cyclizar. This means that against a weakened team, terrakion can clean up with tera normal quick attack destroying faster opponents while stabs defeat slower targets that can survive the quick attack. Tera normal also helps against the ghost types in the tier if they overwhelm krook by being a defensive stopgap.
Araquanid @ Choice Band
Ability: Water Bubble
Tera Type: Water
EVs: 248 HP / 252 Atk / 8 SpD
Brave Nature
IVs: 0 Spe
- Liquidation
- Leech Life
- Sticky Web
- Crunch
Honestly, the star of the show, choice band araquanid is the second trick room abuser that can potentially win games by opening massive holes in the opposing team. For reference, tera water choice band araquanid has a 55% chance to 2hit ko amoonguss. Which is a resist btw. Chesnaught takes a minimum 34% from it, meaning its 3hit ko'd. Anything that doesn't have massive bulk and resists liquidation is absolutely destroyed. Most of the time, you will be clicking liquidation and using tera water if needed. Even with only max hp investment, araquanid can take a lot of special hits even if stealth rocks are on the field. Leech life can help deal with grass types that may wall it, sticky web can be a nice option to make sure everything else on the team is outspeeding the metagame and crunch is a nice option to destroy basc-f that walls both stab moves. Overall, choice band araquanid just lays the hurt down.
Sylveon @ Heavy-Duty Boots
Ability: Pixilate
Tera Type: Steel
EVs: 252 HP / 4 Def / 252 SpD
Calm Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Hyper Voice
- Wish
- Protect
- Calm Mind
The special tank of the team, wish passer and a potential late game wincon, sylveon can fill a variety of roles on the team (though why is it not on the viability rankings, that's just crazy). Tera steel is just a good defensive typing for sylveon and can allow it to soft check some threatening mons like bisharp and iron head salamence, or give it a set up opportunity. Even with no investment, stab pixilate boosted hyper voice hits like a truck and can 2hit ko some neutral targets and do 30% to specially frail resists such as gengar. Wish allows sylveon to keep its teammates healthy or recover its own hp, while protect allows it to safely receive said wishes. Calm mind allows it to late game snowball into a devestating sweeper, while making sure it doesn't get overun by boosted special attacks.
Salamence @ Heavy-Duty Boots
Ability: Intimidate
Tera Type: Steel
EVs: 252 HP / 148 SpA / 108 Spe
Modest Nature
- Body Slam
- Roost
- Dragon Pulse
- Flamethrower
The physical wall of the team and paralysis spreader, salamence is a team member that won't do too much I will admit, but there isn't much better at its role of being a flying type that can spread para in RU (thundy-t is too frail). Tera steel is good defensively for the team. To get better bulk, max hp evs were used and enough speed evs to outspeed max speed breloom and bisharp, with the rest going into special attack. Despite the minus attack nature, body slam still does good damage to physically frail targets like doing 36% minimum to gardevoir, but the main thing is the 30% para rate, which allows the rest of the team to outspeed faster mons. Roost gives salamence reliable recovery while dragon pulse is spammable stab for it. Finally, flamethrower allows it to deal with opposing steel types that wall body slam and dragon pulse.

:bisharp: I only have so far seen one threat to this team, as most other things can be dealt with easily enough, but bisharp is a big threat to this team. Due to its low speed and massive bulk, it can outspeed and ko necrozma in trick room and due to the double intimidate core, it can get free boosts off. Krook can somewhat deal with it, but tera flying means you have to be careful. If you can properly stall out the pp of sucker punch, then you should be good, but it is one prediction away from ruining a vital component of the team.

Replays: Only got one replay, but necrozma was able to weaken quagsire and that meant the combo of body slam salamence and calm mind sylveon could win (they forfeited, but sylveon would have swept).
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RU in 2024 (Triple Choice Offense)

(click the sprites for paste!)
Screenshot from 2024-04-24 17-07-43.png

RU is currently an extremely offense-driven no brain needed tier right now ; So, I figured a very intelligent team would be the perfect fit.

Necrozma is a great lead right now, nothing wants to 1v1 it from 100% health outside of Kleavor so it always gets rocks AND grabs momentum right away.
Your anti-kleavor. and the first Choice of the team. Outspeeds Booster Iron Leaves and a bunch of stuff at +1.
Your anti-Rain. Moonblast is free to click and if you manage to double into Terrakion/Thundurus-T against Empoleon you get a free kill.
The most broken mon in the tier right now, with its most broken set. Managing to get it into the field is a guaranteed kill.
Your physical sponge to switch into after being choice locked. Roar is mandatory. U-turn is better than Roosting in most situations, you'll get so many free opportunities to send out Thundurus-T.
Your special sponge to switch into after being choice locked. Can also spin. Just like for Moltres, click U-turn as many times as possible

Things to watch out for
If you manage to keep the momentum up (and honestly it should be easy to do), nothing has enough time to really be THAT threatening. Like, Scarf Gardevoir can theoretically claim a kill everytime it switches in, but when is it switching in exactly? That's what I thought. Anyway, enjoy clicking Tera Blast Flying and winning in 10 turns.
Apologies again for being so late, I have a lot of scattered thoughts to throw out so I'm sure there will be edits.

I present to you!

"I wasted too much time trying to make Necrozma work"
(Eh, basically, I think it can be decent team, but relies a lot on surprises for wins and requires very aggressive predictions which isn't super popular with the laddering crowd)

:sv/Necrozma: :sv/Cobalion: :sv/rotom-heat: :bw/moltres: :sv/gastrodon-east: :sv/cyclizar:

Yeah, this is like my 3rd modification of the 8th team. (9, 10, and 11 weren't any better). Like I said, I wasted too much time. I wanted something different than the listed dex sets and settled on mixed, but it usually went poorly. Boosting CM + ID sets just seemed worse than Enam-T's stuff so that was out. Eventually I stumbled across a very useful, but odd utility of Photon Geyser - it can change from special to physical. I EVed 1 attack below the resulting special stat so it's a special move, but only before a dragon dance. Odd utility, but it let's it 1v1 ID+BP Cobalion - unintuitively, DO NOT use dragon dance. Maxes on speed and the rest in HP for mixed bulk. More in Defense could be reasonable to handle all the expected U-turns and Knocks.

I needed a rocky helmet user to punish u-turn spams + an easy win vs the mice. Not too much to be said here because it's a somewhat standard set.

Important resists and speed control and potential punish vs slower boosting teams. Again, not too much to be said here because this is the choiced rotom set.

Physical birb is odd (and also not as good in a vacuum), but the team already had special based fire damage and seemed to need this a little more than the special or mixed sets during testing. Admittedly, it probably did better in testing because Flare Blitz is pretty unexpected. Tera Water so there's a slightly better chance vs rain. Otherwise, it's the physically defensive moltres and plays the same.

Blue is nice. Pink is overused. Special tank, hazards, hazer. Grass is very well handled by the rest of the team and water really isn't so this was a pretty easy slot. I'll be honest, I'm not a huuuge Gastrodon fan, it always seems a little lack luster outside of dedicated stall, but I kind of teambuilt myself into a corner that only the slug could fill. Tera steel only to add an ice resist while keeping an immunity to toxic that might come this way. Poison could very well still be better.

Oh we still cooking on this one! Inspired by my very old "Next Best Thing" submission, I really needed a little bit of prio and what is the bike doing besides using U-turn half the time anyway? Might as well actually kill stuff every once in a while. Choice locked rapid spin is awkward, but Choice Band Knock Off makes you consider the opportunity cost? Yes! Your opponent is full of this drilled in damage calculations from weak sauce bike and now they will be on the back foot all game.

Ok, I did have like some damage calcs prepared and replays but life has really been getting in my way these last couple weeks and I don't have them with me. Whoops. Hope you enjoy this latest dish prepared by your local amateur cook.

Have a great weekend!

(Hi Fluff! No worries, I was still doing edits haha)
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Apologies again for being so late, I have a lot of scattered thoughts to throw out so I'm sure there will be edits.

I present to you!

"I wasted too much time trying to make Necrozma work"
(Eh, basically, I think it can be decent team, but relies a lot on surprises for wins and requires very aggressive predictions which isn't super popular with the laddering crowd)

:sv/Necrozma: :sv/Cobalion: :sv/rotom-heat: :bw/moltres: :sv/gastrodon-east: :sv/cyclizar:

Yeah, this is like my 3rd modification of the 8th team. (9, 10, and 11 weren't any better). Like I said, I wasted too much time. I wanted something different than the listed dex sets and settled on mixed, but it usually went poorly. Boosting CM + ID sets just seemed worse than Enam-T's stuff so that was out. Eventually I stumbled across a very useful, but odd utility of Photon Geyser - it can change from special to physical. I EVed 1 attack below the resulting special stat so it's a special move, but only before a dragon dance. Odd utility, but it let's it 1v1 ID+BP Cobalion - unintuitively, DO NOT use dragon dance. Maxes on speed and the rest in HP for mixed bulk. More in Defense could be reasonable to handle all the expected U-turns and Knocks.

I needed a rocky helmet user to punish u-turn spams + an easy win vs the mice. Not too much to be said here because it's a somewhat standard set.

Important resists and speed control and potential punish vs slower boosting teams. Again, not too much to be said here because this is the choiced rotom set.

Physical birb is odd (and also not as good in a vacuum), but the team already had special based fire damage and seemed to need this a little more than the special or mixed sets during testing. Admittedly, it probably did better in testing because Flare Blitz is pretty unexpected
We're not gonna talk about CB bike ??????????????????
I got a little play time in on both teams. Honestly, both have aspects I like and dislike (mainly that all 5 of these choice users don't have pivot moves, but maybe I just gotta get with times of hard reads).

I'll give the nod to Fluff
:sv/chesnaught:Week 8: Chesnaught:sv/chesnaught:


Two weeks ago we did Rhyperior, and everyone got to show off how strong rhyperior is and how nothing wants to take its attacks. Well there's one thing that is able to take on rhyperior with ease: the tier's forgotten physical wall, Chesnaught. It feels like chesnaught has gone kind of underappreciated lately, hippowdon and slowbro have kind of stolen its spotlight. Chesnaught still has a place. Its typing is great vs rain, certain thundurus sets, rhyperior and the rising star krookodile. Plus, it brings something that all the other physical walls can't: spikes. Show off whatever you think Chesnaught does best and then share the result here.

Teambuilding criteria:
Your team submission must be legal in SV RU and have a chesnaught on it.

Submission deadline: Teams should be submitted by 11:59 PM (GMT-5) on Friday, May 3rd, voting will then go until 11:59 PM (GMT-4) on Sunday May 5th.
SD Chesnaught Team
:pmd/chesnaught: :pmd/forretress: :pmd/zoroark hisui: :pmd/suicune: :pmd/armarouge: :pmd/krookodile:

Ughh, fine fluff!!, guess I need to explain my genius. (joking, I need to do this at some point so probs best to do it now and not with my 6am mind lmao so thanks for reminding me to do it)
This is a bulky offense team that is built around enabling hard hitting mons that can punch big holes into the enemy team. By using a combo of setup mons and choice users, teams can struggle to handle the assault, while the team isn't lacking defensively either.

Chesnaught is the mon that this team was built for. Suprisingly, sd chesnaught hits hard at +2 with LO. CC and Wood Hammer are good stab moves for it with knock off providing utility and hitting ghost types. Chesnaught does get a decent amount of opportunities to deal big damage due to its good defensive typing. Tera Rock resists all of the previous weaknesses that chesnaught has so it can get an sd off or hit hard to deal with a mon it might otherwise be revenge killed by.
Forretress is the hazard setter and remover of the team. I considered cyclizar, but that always felt too frail when using, and I wanted something with better bulk. Forretress was the only other option (blastoise is not a true rapid spinner). Spikes and rapid spin are self explanatory. Pain split allows forre to keep itself somewhat healthy against an opponent and gyro ball means forre isn't completely passive and can help against fairy and rock types on the opposing team.
:zoroark hisui:
The speed control of the team, zoroark hisui allows for nasty shenanigans with the team. I usually go with gengar as my scarfer, but I decided to do something different. Krookodile is the best mon to pose as with illusion because you not only can let a fighting move be used on you and destroy said fighting user, but also hide you have intimidate on krook and make them think it might be moxie. Hyper voice and shadow ball are good stab options, and flamethrower hits steel types that wall hyper voice. The main thing here is curse. I found that trick wasn't something you clicked a lot due to the speed from scarf being so important, so curse gives a panic button in order to deal with a boosted threat. H-Zoroark can sacrifice itself for the team in order to deal with said threat, as the team is otherwise kinda slow if trick was used.
The bulky setup sweeper and bulky water of the team, suicune can be an annoying mon for the opposing team. Tera ghost can handle any maushold/cincinno shenanigans and help with fighting types, which the team struggles against once zoroark is gone due to armarouge taking massive chunks from banded ccs and being slow. This was the main reasoning behind air slash, with it helping even further against fighting types as it does 50% to said fighting types at neutral minimum, which is nice. Scald is a good stab option while also threatening burns, calm mind allows it to sweep and ice beam means you can threaten grass types and dragon types nicely. I also refuse to use the evil sub protect suicune set, so yeah.
Armarouge is the powerful attacker of the team and can be a real nuisance for the opponent to switch into. Armour cannon is of course a good stab move and psyshock can help against specially bulky targets such as chansey. Trick is a better move on armarouge due to it sometimes wanting to switch moves and this can also cripple a wall switching in permanently. Energy ball can decimate any water types that switch in and with tera grass (which can also help defensively) can do a lot of damage. I went with flash fire over weak armour due to the fact that 1/3 of this team is weak to fire and despite being screwed over by gardevoir, it can make armarouge do even more damage then it normally does.
Finally, we have krookodile. I desperately needed a ground type on the team (I have multiple bulky mons and a ground resist, so a flying type was not as much needed), and krook was the best of the bunch. It helps a bit with the speed issue, and can provide valuable utility to the team. Knock off can deal great damage to opponents while removing their items, earthquake deals solid damage to most targets and stealth rocks can set up teammates to secure crucial kos from the chip. Close combat helps deal with opposing dark types and normal types, and combined with rocky helmet to punish physical attacks, not much wants to attack krook.
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Spooky Jirachi's Minefield

(click the sprites for paste!)
This is your usual Spikes Stacking core, not much to say about it. Palossand blocks spin and sets Rocks, Chesnaught sets Spikes, Cyc removes hazards and acts as your special sponge.

Ladder is ladder, so I picked Gardevoir for anti-Rain purposes. Trick also has the niche of potentially removing Boots from someone.

Jirachi is one of my favorite mons of all time, so I have to use it here too. I wanted to deviate from the Tera Electric/Thunderbolt set since I already have AV bike + Gardevoir for Thundurus-T. Tera Ghost adds a layer of spinblocking while still hitting Slowbro and Shadow Ball has a nice 40% chance of lowering Special Defense. It also gives an immunity to Iron Leaves's Close Combat and you can hit it both pre-Tera with Shadow Ball and post-Tera Fighting with Psyshock. It's also a good middleground typing if I have to take out a Revavroom gone rogue (Shadow Ball does 30-35% without Tera Ghost and 44-52% with Tera Ghost). EV spread allows Jirachi to tank a +2 Close Combat from Iron Leaves and gives a nice boost to bulk all-around. Iron Head does Iron Head things and is a guaranteed 2HKO on Kleavor and you have a 60% chance of preventing it from setting rocks. It also is your strongest option against Gardevoir, since despite Shadow Ball, if you're hit by a SpAtk drop from Moonblast, Sball does nothing.

Classic wallbreaker set. Having an immunity to Ground AND Spikes is vital for mirror matchups and it also happens to be a free in against Hippowdon. Then, you can spread Knock Off on the entire enemy team. Even if Moltres burns you, it will be as good as dead once you knock its Boots thanks to Palossand blocking spin and allows you to fire off Moonblasts more freely. It also helps Jirachi quite a lot. Zapdos-Galar is also a nice way of beating Okidogi regardless of its set. Don't forget to scout for his Tera beforehand if it's not getting KOed by a neutral Brave Bird.
Too tired to explain the team rn as I forgot we had to do this until like yesterday and had to scramble to complete it cause I was focusing on preparing for tournaments. Team is still good enough I believe.
ok but you can't bring air slash suicune and curse h-zoro and just leave like that, that's illegal