The World Cup of Pokémon 2024 - Qualifiers [ROUND 2 @ #275]

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Good afternoon Smogon community, it's TheSpecialOne here. I was notified that I had been subbed and Portugal is currently on thin ice due to what I see as a big misunderstanding of the general situation, so I'll give my whole perspective as to how it truly went:

Right off the bat, I gave him my schedule for all initial available days I tried to offer. The edited doesn't rly count and forgot to include in the screenshot but it's like 20 minutes after I sent the message (NHelioX can verify it too in our DMs). We schedule for Sunday (12th of May) with the backup time, as I emphasize something could've happened - and it did, I was busy and couldn't log in -, so I see it and I immediately know we are going to have to make it on the Tuesday. We both get online, but the PS! connection issues appear there that day, and it goes on for some days. HE then asks for Sunday, saying he's able to play then, and that sat was okay too. I mention both times being good but I went for Sunday because it was more comfortable for me. I did not mention my availability on the Saturday because it was irrelevant for me, it wasn't like I checked discord that day. I was only going for the time I mentioned to him in our first messages exchanged, and also the pattern of times attempted (6pm +1 / 7pm +2), which all remained constant until the very day of the game, today. Where he comes at my 9 am asking me about playing it in his 2pm, when that wasn't ever specified in the conversation and never had I agreed to before or mentioned such time in my window. He goes on to pressure my teammates and lie about it with his captains, maliciously attempting to fish for a sub, since he ran away when our player was ready and with no further explanation, and create a narrative for my captain to sub me out and have someone play.

Until then, I'm alright that's cool I don't mind granting my place for some newer player to have their chance at winning and having fun, that is until they cowardly decided to fish for ACT, and in the worst way possible, only being rewarded by the blindness of the host.

If no time was agreed upon (i.e. due to inadequate communication or scheduling conflicts), a player or another authorized party must have given their opponent's team notice of their last period of availability. This period must have been given at least 30 minutes in advance and must have been at least 1 hour long.

Switzerland tagged 30 minutes before but did not make the availability period an hour long, seeing that their player dipped after the sub was done by 15:10/3:10pm +2 (when he previously stated he could've done it til 15/3). He spent the next 10 minutes arguing about it on discord that he ''couldn't do it no more'' (when there wasn't even grounds for an activity win there, since time was still clocking with our sub done and waiting for them, but they misunderstood the rules and the situation they were in).

He also messaged me 5 hours after the event, which means that he had at least a bit of availability, since he had it to message me.


I am genuinely sorry for having posted before and expressing my genuine insatisfaction with the situation and using a bad insult - hosting is a thankless job after all -, that's on me and I own it. I just hope the situation gets talked about and whatever happens I am just good that I at least tried to clarify it when things are addressed in a wrong way.
Good afternoon Smogon community, it's TheSpecialOne here. I was notified that I had been subbed and Portugal is currently on thin ice due to what I see as a big misunderstanding of the general situation, so I'll give my whole perspective as to how it truly went:

Right off the bat, I gave him my schedule for all initial available days I tried to offer. The edited doesn't rly count and forgot to include in the screenshot but it's like 20 minutes after I sent the message (NHelioX can verify it too in our DMs). We schedule for Sunday (12th of May) with the backup time, as I emphasize something could've happened - and it did, I was busy and couldn't log in -, so I see it and I immediately know we are going to have to make it on the Tuesday. We both get online, but the PS! connection issues appear there that day, and it goes on for some days. HE then asks for Sunday, saying he's able to play then, and that sat was okay too. I mention both times being good but I went for Sunday because it was more comfortable for me. I did not mention my availability on the Saturday because it was irrelevant for me, it wasn't like I checked discord that day. I was only going for the time I mentioned to him in our first messages exchanged, and also the pattern of times attempted (6pm +1 / 7pm +2), which all remained constant until the very day of the game, today. Where he comes at my 9 am asking me about playing it in his 2pm, when that wasn't ever specified in the conversation and never had I agreed to before or mentioned such time in my window. He goes on to pressure my teammates and lie about it with his captains, maliciously attempting to fish for a sub, since he ran away when our player was ready and with no further explanation, and create a narrative for my captain to sub me out and have someone play.

Until then, I'm alright that's cool I don't mind granting my place for some newer player to have their chance at winning and having fun, that is until they cowardly decided to fish for ACT, and in the worst way possible, only being rewarded by the blindness of the host.

Switzerland tagged 30 minutes before but did not make the availability period an hour long, seeing that their player dipped after the sub was done by 15:10/3:10pm +2 (when he previously stated he could've done it til 15/3). He spent the next 10 minutes arguing about it on discord that he ''couldn't do it no more'' (when there wasn't even grounds for an activity win there, since time was still clocking with our sub done and waiting for them, but they misunderstood the rules and the situation they were in).

He also messaged me 5 hours after the event, which means that he had at least a bit of availability, since he had it to message me.


I am genuinely sorry for having posted before and expressing my genuine insatisfaction with the situation and using a bad insult - hosting is a thankless job after all -, that's on me and I own it. I just hope the situation gets talked about and whatever happens I am just good that I at least tried to clarify it when things are addressed in a wrong way.
Good afternoon Smogon community, it's TheSpecialOne here. I was notified that I had been subbed and Portugal is currently on thin ice due to what I see as a big misunderstanding of the general situation, so I'll give my whole perspective as to how it truly went:

Right off the bat, I gave him my schedule for all initial available days I tried to offer. The edited doesn't rly count and forgot to include in the screenshot but it's like 20 minutes after I sent the message (NHelioX can verify it too in our DMs). We schedule for Sunday (12th of May) with the backup time, as I emphasize something could've happened - and it did, I was busy and couldn't log in -, so I see it and I immediately know we are going to have to make it on the Tuesday. We both get online, but the PS! connection issues appear there that day, and it goes on for some days. HE then asks for Sunday, saying he's able to play then, and that sat was okay too. I mention both times being good but I went for Sunday because it was more comfortable for me. I did not mention my availability on the Saturday because it was irrelevant for me, it wasn't like I checked discord that day. I was only going for the time I mentioned to him in our first messages exchanged, and also the pattern of times attempted (6pm +1 / 7pm +2), which all remained constant until the very day of the game, today. Where he comes at my 9 am asking me about playing it in his 2pm, when that wasn't ever specified in the conversation and never had I agreed to before or mentioned such time in my window. He goes on to pressure my teammates and lie about it with his captains, maliciously attempting to fish for a sub, since he ran away when our player was ready and with no further explanation, and create a narrative for my captain to sub me out and have someone play.

Until then, I'm alright that's cool I don't mind granting my place for some newer player to have their chance at winning and having fun, that is until they cowardly decided to fish for ACT, and in the worst way possible, only being rewarded by the blindness of the host.

Switzerland tagged 30 minutes before but did not make the availability period an hour long, seeing that their player dipped after the sub was done by 15:10/3:10pm +2 (when he previously stated he could've done it til 15/3). He spent the next 10 minutes arguing about it on discord that he ''couldn't do it no more'' (when there wasn't even grounds for an activity win there, since time was still clocking with our sub done and waiting for them, but they misunderstood the rules and the situation they were in).

He also messaged me 5 hours after the event, which means that he had at least a bit of availability, since he had it to message me.


I am genuinely sorry for having posted before and expressing my genuine insatisfaction with the situation and using a bad insult - hosting is a thankless job after all -, that's on me and I own it. I just hope the situation gets talked about and whatever happens I am just good that I at least tried to clarify it when things are addressed in a wrong way.

truly the Special One.
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