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  • Alright, no problem! I'm ready anytime so just let me know when the cloning is finished.
    Well, I was able to get the Sceptile cloned, but I don't have the Koffing. Is there anything else you would be interested in instead?
    In response to your question in my trade thread:

    Yep, I'm perfectly fine with trading those two pokes for the Donphan. I'll just need to get them cloned first.
    Yep, Im going on wifi right now. BTW I would like them to have their egg moves untouched and their levels to be MAX 50. Anything below 50 is fine if you cant level them to 50.
    Well if you are a fast EV-trainer I could give you 2 credits for 2 pokes EV-Trained =P
    2 pokemon for 1 Credit. I don't mind if you keep a copy but you may not trade them if you get a copy from ev-training ^.^;
    Hehe sorry I had to pick just a few winners. ^^ The others spent a long time reading, posting pictures and what not! lol
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