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  • Hi there. I have an egg with your ID. You're the only thing that can help my Hawlucha achieve his dreams of wrestling greatness. I have a 5IV Bold Rotom for you if you help me out, just message me here if you can. Thanks
    Hi prinn, I'v egg with your shiny value, you would be so helpful to hatch? I'd thank you very much, I await your news.
    Hi, can you hatch an egg for me?
    will give an mawie with 5iv if you do.

    3DS Friend Code: 0989-2768-6915
    Name: Joynal
    Hi prinn, I have an egg with your id, can you please hatch it for me and if you want something, I will try to get it for you.
    Hi Prinn. I have an Egg that matches your SV. Would you please hatch it for me?
    My FC is : 2595-0513-6719
    Hello there. I have an egg that matches you. My FC is 4184 - 2620 - 3618. Would you hatch it for me?

    I shall add you when you respond.

    I have an egg that matches your shiny value, would you be so kind to hacth/return it for me? ^^

    My FC is 3437-4350-1968
    Thank you for the Larvitar and berry :)
    Thank you very much for hatching and returning the egg ^^
    No problem. Let me know if you get anymore eggs with my shiny value.
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