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  • When u wanna play for ORAS Global? im free anytime b4 2pm CST Saturday, and POTENTIALLY the same time Sunday.
    Looks like you and I are paired up for Round 5. I am GMT-5 (CST) and I tend to play late evening to early morning my time, but I can work around to play whenever depending on your schedule. I prefer later in the week though so I have time to prepare lol.
    Yeah , i agree, if i have any problem ill comment back
    sry for miss schedule , i m here now to more 3 hours
    contact me when u want
    Sorry I had to go get some sleep. I can be on in about 30 minutes if you are willing to play then.
    When can you play for NU league, I'm GMT +8, I prefer weekends.
    Shit sorry, I was sleeping when you sent that (I was really tired) If you can, give me a day and I can get back to you, I don't have much school work right now.
    Today i am in the nu room of smogon all time , then when u want. I go to bed like 11pm GMT+2
    So before this hour i can
    when play for NU league, i want to play on sunday preferably, i'm gmt-3
    lets play on sunday ye, when u want.
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