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  • Hey when do you wanna play for pspl? I'm gmt -6, have work Thursday / Friday / Sunday starting at 2 PM my time. I can play in the morning or evening Saturday too, but am gonna be visiting family for most of the middle part of the day, lmk what works for you
    Host Joe
    since I'm free whenever and you have to work you should tell me which time you can do it the earliest
    Host Joe
    Is Friday, Tomorrow good?
    Sorry forgot to say anything today won't be too good because TBH I haven't built yet and don't have a ton of time, do you think (my time, idk what you're is yet D:) Saturday evening or Sunday morning would be ok?
    We need to play for PSPL Week 2. I'm GMT +1 and can play on most days 6pm-10pm. when do you want to play?
    Host Joe
    any of those times work for me so just challenge me when you're ready
    We'll play on Friday at 7pm GMT +1 if you're free
    Host Joe
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