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  • Je ne sais pas si 7shoes a dit, mais Slurpuff est malheureusement très faible. peut-être qu'une équipe PU fonctionnerait mieux? que slurpuff a une chance de briller :)
    I think it is powerful but it is true that it needs to be well surrounded and does not require a lot of precaution given its bulk. But when I build a team OR I like to add a nice pokémon that I like to make myself happy, because it's a challenge to surround it to make it shine and to bring a surprise effect. I am
    fully aware that making a good team is not playing pretty pokemons or the pokemons we like, but I rather see it as a challenge. Thank you for your comments despite everything. I will also try to make it shine in PU.
    You probably won't have much answers considering Smogon is an English speaking based forum.
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    It's ok! Thanks .
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