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  • hey, we're playing rands slam r2. it's gonna be easier for me to play sometime during the weekend, does that work for you? my tz is gmt +2
    Yo, random battles playoffs, GMT+1, when would you like to play?
    Hi hi. I am gmt+1 as well. Would Wednesday afternoon work for you?
    Fant'sy Beast
    Fant'sy Beast
    If we start before 3 pm Wednesday could work. Any chance you can play rn?
    hey when do you want to fite for randbats open?.? im gmt+5.5
    Hi! You're 3.5 hours ahead of me. Anytime tuesday/wednesday afternoon after 5pm my time would be great if you're free then!
    ok ill try to come at that time but lemme know if u can do it a bit earlier
    We battle next for RandBats Open. My Time Zone is GMT -7 or PT. I’m free everyday from 10:00am-2:00pm and 12:00am-2:00am. I’m also free all day on Wednesday but I can’t battle on Sunday.
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