Dark Pulse
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  • I just realized that since you did make a oath at TRC Science you can be trusted. But I am keeping my eye on you.
    No, I don't care if people tell me things or not. I'm 16... What we do here is 8 years of primary school then 4 years of high school. I'm in my second year of high school.
    I'm a high school sophomore (second year in high school) I don't know what you guys call it there :|
    I'll be afk for a few mins so if you accept the trade request and nothing happens then stay on and wait till I get back on.
    haha, so you can't handle me...

    I have the last post because nobody else is online while I am. Put two and two together mr. noob -.-'
    You wonder why you have the last post in many things.

    You live for trolling you just love growing your ego. I have a friend lock to keeps idiots like you out.
    -.-' Try re-reading our PM's on "Gun Argument" - I just showed them to my IRL friends - they litterally ROFL'd

    Lol, It matters not, But it took you long enough to realise I wasn't trying to say stuff true - haven't you heard of trolling before???

    Haha, Accomplishment of the year? That'd be getting a private Tuition with Mark Walton, Australia's Best Clarinet Player - I performed my own Arrangment of the "Silph Co." theme from RB (you remember it?) and he played it with me - a Duet, it sounded so OSSIM, very eerie...
    ...on my Birthday no less
    It was not a friend lock idiot. This just proves you make up random stuff and hope it's true I which most people don't look into. I made my profile contacts only and removed you from my contacts you ignorant hick.

    Atta boy, keep stroking you ego. That must be you accomplishment of the year being interviewed!

    And no you would not. You would be shot before you get within 10 feet of any one.
    well I removed you from my friends before I posted on your wall, which means you activated your friend lock, therefore it was not on, therefore you are lying! U mad? I iz Sherlock Holmes :D

    also, I must be right, because if I am not right, I cannot write. Plus I am never wrong... Otherwise I would not be the Awesome guy who got the Interview from Comp, not you :P
    Plus, remember our PM spree? You know that even if you had a gun, I could still pwn ur ass
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