Steam Buns
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  • hey, we are paired for CAPCL. I'm gmt -5 and best time would be 8pm - 11pm on weekends. When would you like to play?
    We are paired for CAPCL. I'm GMT-5. I'm generally available after 5 PM my time on weekdays and I should be free pretty much all day on Saturday, although I have no idea what my availability on Sunday is looking like right now.
    Steam Buns
    Steam Buns
    awesome, see ya then :)
    Da Pizza Man
    Da Pizza Man
    Sorry to do this to you so last minute, but I'm going to get hit with a pretty big snowstorm tommorow and I'm not entirely sure if I'm going to be able to make it. I'll try to meet on our schedule time anyways but if I can't make it for whatever reason would you still be able to play at 8PM on Sunday my time?
    Steam Buns
    Steam Buns
    no worries man, I'm playing for ghosting at that time but I can play you before or after if you can't make the original time
    hey! we're paired for capcl. I'm GMT +1, would prefer to play between 5pm-midnight my time any day if that's ok with you, but i can go later if necessary just lmk.
    Hey fren, we are paired for BDSP Cap tour; when are you good to play? Anytime between Monday and Thursday is good for me, as long as it’s not before 8am in the morning. I’m GMT-5
    How does 7am Saturday your time (3pm Friday my time) sound for you?
    Steam Buns
    Steam Buns
    hey I think I'm actually just gonna give this a miss, got a bit too much on my plate rn, so you can take the win. good luck with later rounds, hope ur well :)
    ah ok, good luck with all your stuff!
    yo I just realized I never scheduled for swiss LOL my bad, been a nutty week. I'll be around pretty much whenever for the rest of the week, lmk when you want to play
    when for clt? i'm -4, saturday would prob work best
    Steam Buns
    Steam Buns
    +8, saturday is kinda tricky for me, but I could probably play you immediately after I play drippy if that's not too late for you?
    sure thing see ya then
    When we cappin I’m -4
    Steam Buns
    Steam Buns
    hey wanna just do the same time we did last time we played
    Sure (to 11 pm Saturday GMT-4 = 11 am Sunday GMT+8)
    yo its you and me for cappl this week, i'm available pretty much whenever this week and most available at nights on the weekend. i'd prefer to play later in the week if we can. gmt -7, what works best for you?
    that might be tight for me to make, i'll be eating out w/ family that night. if we could push it back to 12 pm your time i think i could make that.
    Steam Buns
    Steam Buns
    sure thing
    great, fight ya then!
    heya, we're paired for cap ssnl. When are you available to play? I'm GMT-4 and my free-est day is probably Saturday and Sunday.
    Steam Buns
    Steam Buns
    Hey, I'm+8 weekend is easiest busy sat morning apart from that I don't mind when we play
    Is 11 AM your time good?
    Steam Buns
    Steam Buns
    yep works fine for me, tho I've just scheduled cappl for that time sunday, so how about either right after my cappl game or the same time monday?
    Cappl gmt-4, as long as I know ahead of time I can play early or late with respect to my timezone
    Steam Buns
    Steam Buns
    +8 weekend is easiest busy sat morning idm when
    How is 11 pm Saturday GMT-4 = 11 am Sunday GMT+8?
    Steam Buns
    Steam Buns
    sounds good
    when cap pl, could try sunday 9pm gmt-4 if ur fine with that, bit flexible on Friday as well
    Steam Buns
    Steam Buns
    yeah I think I can do that time on sunday ideally a little later if possible but if not no worries
    yea thats fine, can do 10pm gmt-4 sunday
    Steam Buns
    Steam Buns
    awesome, I'll see you then :)
    CAP ssnl, Im GMT -6, avail most evenings, and not super busy overall this week, lmk when works for you!
    Steam Buns
    Steam Buns
    Hi, sorry for late reply, I'm +8, with so our time difference my sunday morning your sat evening seems like a good call, how does around 9pm saturday sound?
    Should work cya then
    Nvm take win
    Hey we play for CAP Summer Seasonal. Im GMT+1 with a preference for the weekend, but if you want to play earlier I can probably make some time as well.
    Steam Buns
    Steam Buns
    Hiya, I'm +8, I am pretty busy this weekend but I shouldn't have any trouble playing sometime saturday afternoon, so how does around midday your time saturday sound?
    Saturday afternoon works for me! See you then :)
    Hey, for CAP Summer Seasonal, when do you wanna play? I'm GMT -7 and I should be fairly flexible. Ideally we could play Saturday, since I'll be free pretty much all day.
    We play for CAP Rigged Tourney. I'm GMT -4, when works well for you? I'm fairly flexible. I believe given our timezones late night my time / early morning your time could work?
    Just pinging this you got a time u wanna play?
    We play for CAP Rigged Tournament, I'm GMT-4, when do you want to play? I'm fairly flexible at the moment.
    Thursday 10 AM GMT+8 (which should translate to Wednesday 10 PM GMT-4) works for me. I'll be on the main server, my Showdown and Smogon names are the same.
    I've made a huge mistake. I will not actually be available at Wednesday 10 PM GMT-4, as I have to be somewhere at 9 PM GMT-4 and likely will be occupied for that night. Are you available at another time?
    I'll do my best to make it on.
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