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  • Users: M2H
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  1. M2H

    Lifestyle The Mental Wellness Thread

    I have no real friends anymore, or maybe I never did. I have no family. I have no partner. I don't really enjoy doing anything anymore. My job is about as stress free as it could possibly be but it still takes about all the energy I have. With the uncertainty of federal jobs ATM I can't even...
  2. M2H

    Lifestyle physical health/fitness thread

    Update: turns out I have a skill issue. I wasn't able to maintain the diet even for 4 days (and even then I only ever hit 1300 calories at the lowest). When my grandpa came to visit I was eating >3500 calories a day since we were going out to eat. Then I got back down to 1800 calories for a day...
  3. M2H

    NOC Secret Hitler Mafia - Signups

  4. M2H

    Lifestyle physical health/fitness thread Not advocating this for anybody else (obviously) but I plan to do this diet for the next several weeks. I hope after that I found actual water fasting to be very easy for me to adhere to probably due to a mix of...
  5. M2H

    Board Game Diplomacy at the Roulette Wheel - GAME OVER [2-way Germany + France draw]

    As an aside from all the bickering about draw culture and personal attacks, I wanted to make a little retrospective analysis post. Whether it was ultimately stupid or smart strategy to play a strongly alliance based game, me and @hal did a ton of analysis at a scale that no other countries had...
  6. M2H

    NOC Lumiose Legends Mafia - Sign-Ups

    low prio
  7. M2H

    Board Game Diplomacy at the Roulette Wheel - GAME OVER [2-way Germany + France draw]

    its okay ImaginaryNeon im here to save you
  8. M2H

    Lifestyle The Mental Wellness Thread

    I'm still living down here working my new job. It's been all well and good and I'm grateful and everything but I've experienced my first few signs of slipping over the holidays. Yesterday I got very little done even though I was trying and today I just hard overslept and started the day late...
  9. M2H

    make smogon town strong

    make smogon town strong
  10. M2H

    12 Days of Likeshop - 2024 - it's time to go

    "make smogon town strong" :marshadow: Done
  11. M2H

    NOC NOC pick your faction

    town role remover remover remover
  12. M2H

    NOC NOC pick your faction

    how does the teleporter work also adding a 3p arsonist for the lulz
  13. M2H

    NOC NOC pick your faction

    you can pick multiple roles, i pick a town role remover
  14. M2H

    NOC NOC pick your faction

    Hi guys this is an unofficial noc where you get to choose a faction to gain a role like this "town cop" "mafia roleblocker". In two weeks I'll run a simulation to figure out what alignment wins. Make sure to like all the posts before you. Be nice :D I'll start Vanilla town
  15. M2H

    12 Days of Likeshop - 2024 - it's time to go

    1500 for one user title plz :talonflame: please specify what you want it to be in a new post
  16. M2H

    Board Game Diplomacy at the Roulette Wheel - Signups

    in with Alice as a pair
  17. M2H

    anyone have a gf yet?

    nah lol
  18. M2H

    Lifestyle Most physically painful thing you were ever put through?

    Probably when I fell out of a bed onto my head and had a concussion. The puking and nausea was awful and I was bedridden for days. Maybe also recovery from LASIK. The light sensitivity sucked really bad. I couldn't hold my eyes open for long at all. Just to show how big of a wimp I am...