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  1. monokuma fanboy

    Little Cup Ladder Tournament (Cycle II)

    Forum name: monokuma fanboy Cycle 2 Alt: 2LCLT kuma Does my alt for Cycle 2 contain my forum name or a very similar variation/abbreviation of it as required by the rules? yes
  2. monokuma fanboy

    LC Little Cup Ladder Tournament (Cycle I)

    Forum name: monokuma fanboy Cycle 1 Alt: 1LCLT kuma Does my alt for Cycle 1 contain my forum name or a very similar variation/abbreviation of it as required by the rules? yes Just in case : (i didn't ionext)
  3. monokuma fanboy

    Smogon's Official Ladder Tournament VI - Cycle 1 Signups

    Forum name: monokuma fanboy Cycle 1 Alt: LT61RQ kuma Does my alt for Cycle 1 contain my forum name or a very similar variation/abbreviation of it as required by the rules?: yes
  4. monokuma fanboy

    i can play everyday at 8pm

    i can play everyday at 8pm
  5. monokuma fanboy

    how about we play at 8pm GMT +2 ?

    how about we play at 8pm GMT +2 ?
  6. monokuma fanboy

    im GMT + 2

    im GMT + 2
  7. monokuma fanboy

    Tournament LCPL 8 Signups

    Username : monokuma fanboy Timezone : GMT + 2 Tiers played : SM LC no significant time missed
  8. monokuma fanboy

    Project The Little Frontier

    • Discord Username: DRBR#8771 • PS! Username: Monokuma fanboy • Time Zone: GMT+1
  9. monokuma fanboy

    Other SM OU Ladder Achievements

    Achievement : Blazing Turkey :
  10. monokuma fanboy

    Other SM OU Ladder Achievements

    Achievements : Ultimate tier : Steady Beat Replay :
  11. monokuma fanboy

    Other SM OU Ladder Achievements

    Silver : Leaving Low Ladder
  12. monokuma fanboy

    Random Battles Ladder Tournament - Qualifying Phase [Done]

    Forum name: Monokuma Fanboy Ps Username : monokuma fanboy Ladder Alt : RBLT15Y monokuma
  13. monokuma fanboy

    Other SM OU Ladder Achievements

    Archivement : Silver -Hot Turkey :
  14. monokuma fanboy

    Other SM OU Ladder Achievements

    POTD Archievements : Gold : -Dragon Are A Type Of Terrain Replay : Neo : -Rare Candy Shop -Like Father, Like Son Screenshots :
  15. monokuma fanboy

    Other SM OU Ladder Achievements

    Im proposing a new archievement for the Ultimate tier "David Vs Goliath" Win with all your Pokemon being level 1.