Project The Little Frontier

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this will never change from 0-0 guaranteed.
If a Little Brain refuses challenges to an extent that it appears they are dodging any efforts of battling to preserve a record or otherwise not play then they can be subject to removal by the hosts after conference.

Similarly if a Little Brain gives up too many wins / has a poor record / is perceived as an "easy W" then for the good of the prestige of the challenge they too can end up being replaced. This is to incentivize maximum playing potential and maintain the integrity of the tournament. Both of those are subjective criteria that are deemed appropriately enough by the hosts, and potentially the TLs or other people we would talk to for a second opinion (Levi being TL does not exempt him from this rule fyi).

If people do have worries about the quality of the Little Brains or that one is dodging all of hteir challenges, refusing to answer during their appropriately scheduled times as laid out in the OP, do bring it to the attention of one of the event hosts so we may address it

Good luck all challengers, it appears Star has been on an insane hotstreak against the other brains so if you want to be the 1st to be inducted into the Hall of Fame then try your hardest!
After feedback, the rule "• All Little Frontier Challengers are ineligible to rematch a Little Brain to whom they have lost until they have played all remaining Little Brains (expect, of course, one they have skipped)" has been struck down, feel free to challenge whoever despite having lost previously. However, you still are required to wait the 8 hour time limit before rechallenging a Little Brain.
After feedback, the rule "• All Little Frontier Challengers are ineligible to rematch a Little Brain to whom they have lost until they have played all remaining Little Brains (expect, of course, one they have skipped)" has been struck down, feel free to challenge whoever despite having lost previously. However, you still are required to wait the 8 hour time limit before rechallenging a Little Brain.
Make it 24 hours and u have a good rule.
An additional rule change has been made, the wait time between re-challenges is now 24 hours per some Little Brains' consensus, additionally both Fiend and I have agreed to institute this change. This should give Brains a little more breathing room to space out challengers, and was initially the original time between challenges but was shortened to 8 hours in the final editting stages.

Also Star has lost to Levi and Heysup at least 5 times by now in a row so feel free to laugh at him (only if you can beat him in BW though)
Additionally we would like to commend some of the brains right now for maintaining stellar records. In particular, Heysup with 12-1, Fatty with 6-1, and Star with 6-2. I urge the challengers to knock them off their pedestal and prove that you can be just as good in your selected tier. Who knows, maybe you will end up drafted as such in LCPL!
If a Little Brain refuses challenges to an extent that it appears they are dodging any efforts of battling to preserve a record or otherwise not play then they can be subject to removal by the hosts after conference.

Similarly if a Little Brain gives up too many wins / has a poor record / is perceived as an "easy W" then for the good of the prestige of the challenge they too can end up being replaced. This is to incentivize maximum playing potential and maintain the integrity of the tournament. Both of those are subjective criteria that are deemed appropriately enough by the hosts, and potentially the TLs or other people we would talk to for a second opinion (Levi being TL does not exempt him from this rule fyi).

If people do have worries about the quality of the Little Brains or that one is dodging all of hteir challenges, refusing to answer during their appropriately scheduled times as laid out in the OP, do bring it to the attention of one of the event hosts so we may address it

Good luck all challengers, it appears Star has been on an insane hotstreak against the other brains so if you want to be the 1st to be inducted into the Hall of Fame then try your hardest!
thank you tcr i love you
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