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  • Users: AoRyuha
  • Content: Threads, Posts
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  1. Battleworld Mafia - The Absorbers, Eo Ut Mortus, Lesm46 Win!

    Hey all. Just posting to inform everyone that while I have irc, I'm not especially fond of it, and don't typically spend large amounts of time on it. I can get on upon request though, just name the time and the channel, and I'll show up if at all possible. Thanks, and looking forward to...
  2. Battleworld Mafia Signups

    Meh, give me a P1, I need some practice.
  3. Blindness Mafia Sign-Ups

    P1 if you would, please ^^
  4. Fish Mafia: Game Over! [Village / Neutrals win]

    Meh, so close. Might as well speed up the ending. Vote AoRyuha
  5. PokéMafia Sign-Ups

  6. Fish Mafia: Game Over! [Village / Neutrals win]

    This gives me an ominous feeling >.>;
  7. Fish Mafia: Game Over! [Village / Neutrals win]

    Lynch Dubulous I will be so glad to see the end of that posting restriction.
  8. Fish Mafia: Game Over! [Village / Neutrals win]

  9. Fish Mafia: Game Over! [Village / Neutrals win]

    Adding my voice to the general consensus that this should be called. All the cards are on the table, and we know who has the winning hand.
  10. Fish Mafia: Game Over! [Village / Neutrals win]

    I count five votes for RB there. That's not a majority yet, according to your own post. Edit: Well, just read LonelyNess's post there, and that is an excellent point.
  11. Fish Mafia: Game Over! [Village / Neutrals win]

    This. Oh well, tied vote's going to out me anyway. So, I might as well say that error in his fake role PM you made such a big deal about was in fact in (at least) one authentic role PM too, mine. ^^ The irony is killing me. Bio-Hazards, woo!
  12. Fish Mafia: Game Over! [Village / Neutrals win]

    Ch, like it's not easy as hell to fake a log. Besides, if it is real, why aren't we voting for askaninjask, who openly admitted to working with Mafia? Then again, the better question is why we aren't voting for you. Maybe before you go around pointing fingers, you should focus on giving us one...
  13. Fish Mafia: Game Over! [Village / Neutrals win]

    Lynch Eo Ut Mortus
  14. Fish Mafia: Game Over! [Village / Neutrals win]

    Awww, I was hoping Fangren would last long enough to see our imminent victory. Oh well though, lynch Agape.
  15. Fish Mafia: Game Over! [Village / Neutrals win]

    Woo! Excellent work gang ^^
  16. Fish Mafia: Game Over! [Village / Neutrals win]

    Hmmm, okay, barring another sudden change in the situation, lynch KnightoftheWind.
  17. Notable Jrpg's

    Hmmm, for the 360, might I recomend Start Ocean: the Last Hope, aka Star Ocean 4? Another lovely game in a fantastic series. Eternal Sonata is also a notable there. For DS, look no further than TWEWY (the World Ends with You). It's been recomende before in this thread, but it's just that good...
  18. Fish Mafia: Game Over! [Village / Neutrals win]

    One excited sub reporting for duty ^^ Now, normally, I wouldn't bandwagon vote with minimal knowledge of the situation, but given the cirumstances: Lynch MagicMaster87
  19. Hindu mythology mafia signups

    I've always wanted to try one of these out. This is a Priority 1! Okay, lame reference dropped, now to look into this Eye Are See thingumywhat...
  20. Special Sweeping...Scizor? what? An OU RMT

    Well, so far I've lost eight and won two with it. I've been using the Azelf lead too, but rather than Mamo or Ape, I've been using a Fake Out/Ice Punch/Night Slash/Low Kick Weavile. It has done more than its share of the work. Latias is definitely MVP though, if something happens to Scizor...