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  • Users: DarkySama
  • Content: Threads, Posts
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  1. DarkySama

    Smogon Masters I - Top Cut Semifinals [REPLAYS NEEDED]

    Chaf a tout dit allez tabasser la racaille allemande
  2. DarkySama

    SPL XV - Player Signups [USE THE FORM IN THE OP TO SIGN UP!!!] [Auction January 7th @ 3 PM GMT -5]

    User name: DarkySama Tiers NOT Played (binding) SV OU, SS OU, ORAS OU, ADV OU Tiers Preferred (not binding) SM OU, BW OU, DPP OU, GSC OU, RBY OU Time Zone GMT+1
  3. DarkySama

    Monotype 2023 Monotype Circuit Playoffs (Won by Toadow)

    FROL1 tu es le goat montre à tous qui tu es (dehors Dieu Amphibien)
  4. DarkySama

    Signups PUWC IV - Signups [Custom Avatar Prize]

    Name: DarkySama Primary Eligibility: France Secondary Eligibility: France Interested in Captaincy: why not Significant Time Missed: no
  5. DarkySama

    Team Monotype Premier League IX - Player Signups [Custom Avatar Prize!]

    Player Name: DarkySamaa Tiers Played: all Timezone: +2
  6. DarkySama

    The World Cup of Pokémon 2023 - Signups

    Player Name: DarkySamaa Country / Region of Residence: France Other Eligibility: None
  7. DarkySama

    Signups Monotype World Cup III - Player Signups

    Player Name: DarkySama Tiers: SS / SM Country / Region of Residence: France Significant Time Missed: No
  8. DarkySama

    Tournament PUWC III - Signups [Custom Avatar Prize] [SIGNUPS NOW CLOSING NOVEMBER 6]

    Name: DarkySama Tiers Played: SS SM BW DPP Eligibility: France Significant Time Missed: no Interested in Captaincy: nn jlaisse squash pour ça
  9. DarkySama

    All Gens Retro Cup of Pokémon 2022: Finals [Won by France]

    Bravo la team, vous êtes les meilleurs
  10. DarkySama

    Finals The World Cup of Pokémon 2022 - Finals [Won by Team France]

    Bravo les gars vous avez juste été trop forts Smogon est officiellement français :fire:
  11. DarkySama

    PU PU Swiss - Round 2

    won r1 ggs