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  1. Hipmonlee

    Tournaments RBY Boomer vs. Zoomer - Signups

    Player Name: feelingsad Eligibility: lol Tiers Played: Evasion
  2. Hipmonlee

    OU RBY OU Ladder / "Jank" Discussion Thread

    Flareon just does a fuckton of damage. It easily 3hkos Snorlax, and unlike most fires it has the attack to threaten a switched in Starmie with Bodyslam. It has pretty good special resistance, and no special weaknesses so it is able to actually go toe to toe with most special attackers...
  3. Hipmonlee

    OU RBY OU Viability Rankings

    That depends a little, according to the process we set out, only me and Gastlies provided a cutoff from what I can see, and by that system Vic is OU. However, if you assume that unranked Pokemon should be considered UU then GoF and Kaz both voted for all three to be UU, in which case it would...
  4. Hipmonlee

    Tournaments RBY World Cup II - Semifinals

    ggs Iberia, go smash them in the finals for us. Not gonna go too hard on shout outs, but wanted to mention Nicole, never seen anyone carry a team as hard as you carried us this tour!
  5. Hipmonlee

    Rejected Allow DryPass in every tier

    I feel like arguing that 'complex bans are ok to preserve unique moves but not really ok to preserve a watered down version of a hundred other moves' is at least something that a person should be allowed to argue for.
  6. Hipmonlee

    Tournaments RBY World Cup II - Semifinals

    Won a banger of a set against Kenix, ggs
  7. Hipmonlee

    Tournaments RBY World Cup II - Semifinals

    Won against SMB, ggs.
  8. Hipmonlee

    Tournaments RBY World Cup II - Quarterfinals

    Won vs Koalacance, ggs
  9. Hipmonlee

    OU RBY OU Discussion Thread

    I think Jolt is being a little underrated right now. It is, generally, not as scary to face as Zapdos, but it definitely has uses. But lets actually list out (some of) the downsides and upsides (relative to Zapdos). Disadvantages: - The quake weakness means its endgame matchups arent as good...
  10. Hipmonlee

    OU RBY OU Viability Rankings

    Tauros Snorlax Chansey Starmie Exeggutor Alakazam Jynx Rhydon Zapdos Gengar Jolteon Cloyster Slowbro Victreebel Lapras Dragonite Hypno Articuno Golem Kabutops Moltres Omastar Porygon Persian Kangaskhan Machamp Poliwrath Sandslash Venusaur Clefable Electabuzz Raichu Primeape Pinsir Golduck Dodrio...
  11. Hipmonlee

    Tournaments RBY World Cup II - Round 1

    Won against Eni
  12. Hipmonlee

    Proposal phoopes' Original Ruleset for Your Gen One Needs (PORYGON): the (hopefully) final thread about RBY cart accuracy vs. modding

    Oh, the issue is less getting someone to code it as much as it is getting someone to approve the change once its done. Apparently it has to be Zarel, so when he's not around, there is no real way to move forward.
  13. Hipmonlee

    Proposal phoopes' Original Ruleset for Your Gen One Needs (PORYGON): the (hopefully) final thread about RBY cart accuracy vs. modding

    I think the most pressing thing for the council to sort out is the recharge--freeze interaction. When I was on council, the other councillors made it pretty clear they think this needs to be resolved somehow, but never made a decision about what to do. If someone wants to code up the fight...
  14. Hipmonlee

    Proposal phoopes' Original Ruleset for Your Gen One Needs (PORYGON): the (hopefully) final thread about RBY cart accuracy vs. modding

    For completeness there are also bans on glitchmons and glitchmoves, and a level 100 cap. We also ban moves obtained through glitches as well as stats that can't be generated by the stat formula according to each pokemons level and base stats. Can't think of anything else off the top of my head.
  15. Hipmonlee

    Tournaments RBY World Cup II - Round 1

    Won against Mister McLovin
  16. Hipmonlee

    WCOP Format II (Pools v. Groups)

    I only skimmed this thread, but did anyone point out that groups are famously unfair? Hence phrases like "the group of death". I don't have strong opinions either way, but if the goal is ensuring the top teams advance, moving to groups seems like a terrible idea.
  17. Hipmonlee

    Smogon Premier League XV - Semifinals [Tiebreaker @ Post 63]

    Dunno if you all know something I dont, but if it were my call, I would put Khaetis in an RBY tiebreak ahead of Malekith.
  18. Hipmonlee

    Tournaments RBY World Cup II - Signups [CUSTOM AVATAR PRIZE]

    Player name: Hipmonlee Country / State of Residence: New Zealand Other Eligibilities: OCN Interested in Captaincy: No
  19. Hipmonlee

    RBY Link Battle Initial RNG - An Unnecessary, Incredibly Extra Look Into Yet Another Cart Accuracy Moment

    Someone check my maths, but I think this means that a Chansey crit TBolt would require an absolute max roll (or to cycle through a lot of failed damage rolls) to OHKO a Starmie on the first turn. Actually, I think it needs a 252 roll, so I guess there would be two chances to get it. Any other...
  20. Hipmonlee

    Proposal Editing PP on Showdown

    Nevertheless, there is a trivial solution that has no competitive downside that has already been agreed in principle by the rby council. I am happy for alternative solutions to be proposed, but, for the purpose of this thread ("should showdown implement PP editing?") the issue of wrap rollovers...