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  • hey did you ever play on PBS way back in the day, and if so, do you remember what the battle interface looked like? was it in the same vein as PS, PO, Shoddy and Netbattle with the 2 pokemon occupying a relatively small space and a big text log to the side?
    oh i was familiar with porygon’s big show, but i somehow thought pbs stood for pokemon battle simulator and was a different thing, lol
    thanks though
    There were multple PBSes, it usually stood for Pokemon Battle Simulator, but Azure Heights personalised theirs a bit...
    was thinking today how absolutely insane we've been around for more than 2 decades. remember fuzion, lesm15, nitro, redwall dude, cloggerdude, gunbladelad, yurika, fish the legend, gk, kuleguy, vineon, jshadias, glalie, soniczoid, metalman or something, wally. and of course ggfan/fire bunny/cool poke/etc. etc.
    we truly grew up in the wild wild west of the internet lmao. hope all is well in nz my friend
    metalmew I think. Man, I miss 4p randbats (proper randbats).

    I do not remember soniczoid though. Haha, so many people.

    Did some guy PM you asking about smogon history as well? Made it click for me that the 20th year anniversary is this year...
    RBY OU, when is best to play. I am GMT 0 so timezone could be an issue. Are you free to play in your morning any day? I am usually available from 6pm-11pm my time on weekdays. Not sure about this weekend yet
    Mornings are terrible for me. I can do during my lunch break, which I could take early on friday, and that would make it like 10pm your time. Or around 9pm my time most nights, which is 8am for you.
    Yeah my Thurs 10pm/your Friday 11am is good for me thx for being accommodating, see you then!
    Hi I'm on PS on main now send chall whenever
    Sorry to bother you but you're the person I know who's been around for the longest period of time
    Do you know why species clause exists?
    Pretty sure it comes from Stadium 1. But it might predate that even?

    Early RBY had Mewtwo legal, so, basically without species clause the game is unplayable.
    Thank you!
    Hello, I happened to come across your Prediction Gudie for RbY. It was a very good read, thank you for having taken the time to write it and make it publicly available here! I was wondering how you know precisely which numbers to assign to the payoff differences between certain choices
    Yeah, that's basically the hard part. The first number you pick is pretty much arbitrary, and then your just asking yourself questions like "is this other outcome a little bit better or a lot better". Even a question like "is this twice as good?" is really hard to judge. To start with just trust your intuition, play some games, and then adjust until you are happy with your results.
    Happy Birthday!

    Do you do this for everyone?
    Mostly when I'm lurking on people's profiles and notice its their birthday -- happens more often then you'd think
    Yeah, I just checked, turns out there's quite a lot of people with birthdays today! Well, thanks again!
    Isn't this your first badge in like a decade hahaha
    technically no! I got my tiering contrib alumn only recently! But that was my first badge in like a decade.
    surprised you didn’t have this sooner tbh
    gz, much deserved
    Yeah, this badge didnt used to exist... Otherwise I probably woulda given it to myself immediately!
    Yo, I'm just some random who wants to say that I disagree with your premise in this post that the hax factor is more impactful in good vs bad or great vs bad than in great vs good. I believe the rng plays a stronger role in determining the results of a match when the skill gap between two players is smaller.
    Incidentally, I'm not convinced pokemon is a game with sufficient depth to benefit from completely removing luck based variety. (these things also vary based on the metagame/generation mechanics in question) So I understand your objections to removing rby miss / recover bug.
    So I would say, for at least gen 4 onwards, and probably gen 3 and possibly 2, that you could more or less remove all the RNG without damaging the richness of the game. For Gen 1 specifically though, is a bit too narrow.

    I think the rps in chess comes from choosing what to spend mental bandwidth on, either in calculation or preparation. Although it probably isnt really useful making the comparison.
    That makes a lot of sense, thanks for responding to me and putting up with my spam.
    the original RBY legend
    I tell ya, the kids these days, they've got no respect at all...
    kids would never last in the era of undone, cloggerdude, and redn13 or whatever the gfaqs mod's name was
    Hey, do you remember me? I was around back in the day. If so, would be cool to catch up. If not, it's OK, Mr.E said he doesn't remember me either.
    I was there on Netbattle, on IRC, on forums, generally all around. I was wondering what had happened to you, Jumpman, Vineon, BH, and the gang. Is anybody else still around?
    Vineon has been gone a long time, BH and Jumpman I'm not sure about, I haven't been in touch with them anyway. TBH most people from back then I am not really in touch with any more.
    Oh ok. Yeah I was like 14 or something back then. Didn't even think to consider that I should keep in touch with some of the coolest people I'll ever meet. Anyway I saw in the below post that you have kids now. I do too. Crazy to think about how we all got on :). If you ever want to chat hit me up. I'm in one of those gym league discords, not sure if you ever heard of them, it's pretty chill, we could talk there.
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