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  1. Martin

    not to be pretentious but yall should really read this… C.H.A.T. (Come Here for All Talk)

    It’s my birthday today and I’ve spent the past 12 months thinking I was 24 and telling people I was 24 and have just had the realisation that I’m turning 26: not 25 Spooky how your perception of time changes when you can no longer track it against what year you’re in at school.
  2. Martin

    Ideas You Had

    A sitcom where a jaded, miserable fourty-something-year-old American live-action man dies in a car crash and is reincarnated as an anime schoolgirl but still has the brain of a jaded, miserable fourty-something-year-old American live-action man.
  3. Martin

    hey! whatcha listenin' to, hotshot? (no embedded videos please)

    Meiko Nakahara - Friday Magic
  4. Martin

    How fast are you at swimming

    ive not gone swimming in what feels like a decade but i have enough raw, unchecked, unjustified confidence that i reckon i could beat u
  5. Martin

    Memes You Found Mk. 2

    just remembered this exists
  6. Martin

    [FOR THE GIRLS] Think of a Gal.

    A nurse named Jenny and a police officer named Joy
  7. Martin

    [FOR THE GIRLS] Think of a Gal.

    A gal from Gaul
  8. Martin

    English Spelling Reform Þread

  9. Martin

    Ideas You Had

    You don't understand scale. Use $50 to buy 5 lamps. With the money generated from recycling their light, you have $50 extra. Use the money saved to buy 5 more lamps. Plug them in. The money you've saved will let you buy even more lamps. Plug them in. The money you've saved will let you...
  10. Martin

    English Spelling Reform Þread

  11. Martin

    Ideas You Had

    A lamp with a photovoltaic panel on its base to recycle some of the light that it produces
  12. Martin

    Hobbies What was it like to have your first video game?

    My first game was Spyro: Enter the Dragonfly on the PS2 and IDK if any of you ever played that game but it had a gamebreaking bug that meant you could very easily get locked out of ever completing the game on a save file. Between that and me erasing save files over and over again because I...
  13. Martin

    Media Recommend cool indie games ITT

    Rules: No embedded trailers. This thread must be readable on mobile. If you want to link the trailer, wrap it in something that'll prevent it embedding. Provide a store link. If you can't for whatever reason, at minimum list out what platforms it's available on. No pirate links! Don't just...
  14. Martin

    hey! whatcha listenin' to, hotshot? (no embedded videos please)

    Ren - Money Game Part 2
  15. Martin

    Think of a guy

    White British guy with dirty blond hair who cosplays as Tom Scott every Haloween
  16. Martin

    Big Mafia Mafia 3 Sign-Ups

    sure in