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  • Users: Venser
  • Content: Threads, Posts
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  1. Serious The Politics Thread

    Jill Stein doesn't support nuclear power and also believes wifi in schools is physically harmful to children, lol.
  2. Resource DPP Simple Questions, Simple Answers Thread

    I'm a little confused by the lead Empoleon set in the strategy dex, is it not actually recommended to run SR? The writeup makes it sound otherwise though.
  3. Resource Simple Questions, Simple Answers Thread

    Why do most Heatrans use Flash Fire? Is the fire immunity that useful? Flame Body seems good in my testing so far
  4. Resource Simple Questions, Simple Answers Thread

    What's a good substitute for Tornadus (ideally defog/rapid spin and u-turn type pivot move, but i can be flexible) that can help check Tapu Koko? What are some good Tapu Koko checks in general? My normal electric immunity is Zygarde which doesn't really help
  5. Smogon Simple Questions & Suggestions Thread

    Thanks so much! I didn't even *think* to google, lol. I think the last time I was on this forum it was still vbulletin so I appreciate the help.
  6. Smogon Simple Questions & Suggestions Thread

    Is there a way to view threads you've created? I wanted to find a gen 4 UU RMT I made YEARS ago, but it's not showing up under my activity
  7. Pokemon Freedom Tournament - Round 1

    Lost to sayonara, gg
  8. Double Dash! A Smogon Doubles Event!

    Lost to laga, thoroughly outplayed throughout :P
  9. Fuk DW Signups

  10. Doubles Ladder Challenges

    Pokemon Showdown! Username: orangetrees Current ladder standing: n/a
  11. Doubles Ladder Challenges

    Don't worry, my ass still gets handed to me by drizzle + swift swim, drought + chlorophyll, and pretty much anything that manages to set up through prankster Taunts and flinchhax. I don't have a single priority move on there, and only 1 electric attack, so Gyarados is dangerous too. Notably...
  12. General Doubles Metagame Thread

    Intimidate definitely isn't broken, all it does is encourage switching and lengthen the average doubles game, which as far as I can tell actually rewards skillful playing. Looking at better players play you see more switches than lower-ranked players.
  13. Doubles Ladder Challenges

    Yes, I got my deviation down to 100. I think i'm in the lead... Pokemon Showdown! Username: thenewfireplace Current ladder standing: Types: flying, steel
  14. Complain about your stupid and probably insignificant problems

    I still have 2 weeks of finals stop complaining about summer vacation
  15. The Bad Ass is Bad and Ass at DPP UU Tournament - Round 2

    Silentrevolver gave me the win due to IRL problems - and so i make it to round 3 without playing a round of dpp uu...
  16. The most amazing thing you have done in Pokémon?

    French 3 student so i might not be 100% accurate: "But where is the cedilla?" (ç is used in French, and is missing in his signature) "I don't know how to make it. It's the first time that I've typed French. If you think that speaking and typing are the same thing, you're STUPID."
  17. General Doubles Metagame Thread

    I'm actually really liking bulky Volcarona on TR teams - it's fast enough that it outspeeds slow threats outside of TR (Scizor, Breloom, Hippowdon) but underspeeds speedy, fast things it needs to kill like Hydreigon, Latis, Genesect under TR. Plus it has Rage Powder and can tank a hit. TR's my...