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  • Users: iss
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  1. iss

    LC BW LC Cup III - Round 3

    Won vs Quinn, ggs!
  2. iss

    LC BW LC Cup III - Round 2

    Was given the win via VM.
  3. iss

    LC BW LC Cup III - Round 1

    Won vs Dlanyer, ggs!
  4. iss

    Announcement Become the Tier Leader Tournament! (Congrats to goldenghost for winning)
  5. iss

    Tournament LCWC IV - Week Five [Tiebreak @ Post 61]

    Won vs RaJ.Shoot, gg!
  6. iss

    Tournament LCWC IV - Week Three

    Won vs LpZ, gg!
  7. iss

    Tournament LCWC IV - Week Two

    Won vs fatty, gg!
  8. iss

    Tournament LCWC IV - Signups

    Name: iss Tiers Played: BW LC / DPP LC Primary Eligibility: Asia (Hong Kong) Secondary Eligibility: US East (NJ) Interested in Captaincy?: No Significant Time Missed: None I’d prefer to play for Asia this year.
  9. iss

    Metagame BW LC

    At long last, the promised VR update is here! Huge thanks to Fille, Éric, Kaboom, AlyssaVGC, Tack, ninjadog, starmaster, brewfasa, and Kodiak_45 for contributing. S :Mienfoo:Mienfoo S- :Gastly:Gastly A+ :Diglett:Diglett :Abra:Abra :Vullaby:Vullaby A :Porygon:Porygon :Chinchou:Chinchou...
  10. iss

    Tournament LCPL XII - Week Two

    Won vs Corckscrew, gg!
  11. iss

    Tournament LCPL XII - Week One

    Unfortunately, claiming activity vs freezai. We scheduled for 7pm -4 and reached out to managers at 7:15pm.
  12. iss

    Gen 5 [WIP] Diglett

    Slashes on LO should be: move 3: Pursuit / Sucker Punch move 4: Sucker Punch / Final Gambit / Substitute although I don’t have a strong opinion. I think Pursuit shouldn’t be on the Eviolite set, although I also don’t really get Eviolite in the first place. imo it should be OO but happy to...
  13. iss

    Gen 5 Magnemite (GP 0/2)

    Specs should be OO. I’m not super sure if Eviolite should be a set- I haven’t seen it perform very well and Chinchou probably does it better.
  14. iss

    Metagame BW LC

    I'd like to give some quick thoughts on the metagame after BW LC Cup and LPL. I've played a ton of games with standard-ish teams recently, and I think there are some real shifts that have happened even in the standard balance space. The rise of Vullaby At the end of the last VR, we had Vullaby...
  15. iss

    Signups LCPL XII: Player Signups [Custom Avatar Prize] [Auction July 7th @ 8 PM -4]

    Player Name: iss Tiers Played: BW LC Tiers Not Played: SV LC Foreseen Inactivity: None
  16. iss

    Tournament LC Classic II--Playoffs (Won by Luthier)

    tazz and I will play on Tuesday.
  17. iss

    Resource DPP and BW LC Analyses Revamp Project

    Mienfoo and Snover Approved - DC