Resource DPP and BW LC Analyses Revamp Project


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Hi everyone, we are gonna be starting the DPP and BW LC Analyses Revamp Project as an effort to update Old Gen LC analyses (Might expand to ORAS depending on how the project goes!). We have put up updated sample sets for most Pokemon on the Smogon Dex, and it feels like the appropriate time to start writing. The first part of our project will kick off with BW! Below are some information to note for this project.

Important reading for people contributing to analyses
Welcome to Contributions and Corrections
Gen 8 Analysis Formatting Guide (both preview and full analysis formats)
Plagiarism Warnings (tl;dr don't do it)
Spelling and Grammar Standards
C&C Simple Q&A Thread

Reservation Rules
  • Anyone is able to reserve 1-2 Pokemon at a time (This applies to badgeholders and QC members as well; subjective to change).
  • Those who have already shown to be trustworthy badgeholders and/or have prior LC writing experience get to write for the extremely high priority and most important Pokemon (may be subject to change).
  • We will be discussing and posting reservation slates for what is available to write. Each reservation slates will be put up on an ongoing basis, so be sure to reserve early to get the Pokemon you want to write about!
  • Once you figure out which Pokemon you want to reserve, post in this thread. Under the circumstances that the index isn't updated, be sure to pay attention to recent posts to see what's taken.
  • Do not edit your posts if you wish to uphold your reservation.
  • This should be common sense, but only reserve a set if you have a good amount of knowledge about it and experience with the metagame.
  • If you have written for a Pokemon in the past and are writing for it now, do not copy and paste lines from your old analysis.
  • IMPORTANT: Do not start a thread if your reservation hasn't been approved! You risk getting it deleted!
Analysis Thread Tags
When you post your thread, be sure to use the appropriate tags for each stage of the analysis:

[WIP] - Work in Progress: The analysis is incomplete and is not ready for the QC Team to evaluate. Keep in mind that the longer your analysis stays in WIP stage, the greater the chance of it being reassigned. Please avoid making comments in these threads until they are ready unless it's something very important.

[Quality Control] - Quality Control Ready: In the thread title, include [QC 0/2]. Make sure you update the thread title with the number of QC checks you currently have.

[Copyediting] - Grammar-Prose Ready: In the set title, include [GP 0/1]. The two required QC approvals have been met. The Grammar-Prose team now takes over. When you are ready for GP to check your analysis, please tag GP Team in your analysis so that the bot can put it into the queue.

[Done] - After the analysis gets a GP stamp, the analysis is ready for upload. Some analyses may need two stamps if the GPer requests it.

**Update your thread's tags and stamp number as you move along the process.

Reservation List

After reserving a Pokemon, you must post your analysis in a timely fashion. If you have any extenuating circumstances that prevent you from getting up your thread within a 72-hr time frame, notify me or a QC member via Discord. Do not reserve an analysis you don't have time to write.

Generalize what the Pokemon does in the metagame and as a whole and why you should or shouldn't consider using it on your teams. See this thread for more tips.

name: SET NAME
move 1:
move 2:
move 3:
move 4:

Describe what the moves on the set do, as well as the other aspects of the set such as the EVs and nature/item.

Describe some teammates that would be a good idea to pair with this Pokemon.

Other Options

List some options for the Pokemon user that are plausible but not always recommended due to either being not consistent enough or too outclassed by other Pokemon in the metagame.

Checks and Counters
**Insert Threat Here**: Describe why the Pokemon is a threat.

**Insert Threat Here**: Describe why the Pokemon is a threat.

Written by:

Quality checked by:

Grammar checked by:
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BW QC Team:

First slate:
High Priority (Will be reserved for QC members/experienced and trusted writers):
Mienfoo - iss
Gastly - Fille
Diglett - Kodiak_45
Porygon - Fille
Snover - iss

Regular Priority (Available to everybody; subjective to change):
Magnemite - uhBella

If you are unsure of what sets to write for, feel free to ask us for clarification on Discord (we have a server for this revamp project) or put it in your reservation post! We are also looking for interested individuals to join the BW QC team.
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Could I have the Porygon as well? I'll write more condensed on that one for starts I swear

Approved - DC
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