Tournament 1v1 Ghosting Tour Finals! [Won by $wag on em]

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Morgius Sweep
is a Pre-Contributor
Big thanks to Haki for believing that I would be a good pickup for his team. S/o Joker 1v1 for critiquing both my teams and my play, and for telling me what teams to use as that’s my weak point, helped me learn a lot this tour about the way I work as a player. I have no apologies about hax, but then again, if you do apologize for hax, you’re not a real competitor. Good games to Boat (phiwings99) and his squad of Magma and Cash, kept me on my toes the whole time.
So I guess this is where I talk about my experience. Round 1 my team were busy so I played by myself. Thanks to MaceMaster & Squirtell 1v1 for making sure I wasn't being stupid and forget stuff like I tend to do. Haki for asking me to join you, guess that turned out well. And being smart when you were able to join us. I tend to always do in team tours, I'm gonna take the piss. AllFourtyOne It was more or less you & I. You spent time making teams, and I helped you out where I could. Was fun, but damn sometimes I wanted to shake you throughout this tour lol. <3 Thanks for the fun tour lost heros and Boat (phiwings99) we spent more time scheduling than battling :p
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