Tournament 1v1 Premier League VII - Discussion Thread


no.1 cramorant fan ❤️
is a Social Media Contributor
i said to feel the bern but the flame burnt out before it could spread. might as well make a goodbye post, won't be as long as lumii's tho

this entire pl felt like a double-edged sword. on one hand, i'm incredibly glad i even got considered to get drafted, and i got the chance to play and make some good friends thanks to this. but on the other hand i got incredibly ill and burnt out and controversies stirred up and stuff, it was a bit too much, but i endured it because i really love this community and the people that surround it.

i'm thankful for everyone that has helped me make it this far, which i will shout-out of course, and i'm glad i get to write this post as well, it feels like a dream fr.

w1: it began
very excited to begin my pl series but i was playing against someone i already lost so my chances weren't high, still not happy about that bax miss

w2: first win
marsh and i had a "friendly rivalry" of sorts before the pl started so was really fun and hype imo (only game that went to 5)

w3: cold breeze
at this point is where it started to feel a bit like a chore, but i won anyway for some reason i don't remember, also was my debut in mopo which is kinda fun

w4: wait what the hell am i even doing
honestly my memories of this week are extremely fuzzy, this was the beginning of me losing against every single random in sv because i have no way of predicting their clicking (and also sv sucks)

w5: i thought this guy was supposed to be good at the game?
idk how i beat him in 3 but i sure did, i'll just say someone had something to say about it as well

w6: crumbling
never stood a chance against the beast that is delemon building, but with already being tired of the weekly loop and some shit that happened, this really burned me out

w7: benched
i really couldn't bring myself to play, i needed to stay out for at least a week, i just couldn't keep going. at least mopo was cool

semis: last ditch effort
i don't know man, my opp showed up 30 minutes after the match was supposed to start and i brought krookodile, felt devastating to lose after i got toyed around with scheduling and me already being super burnt out.
overall record: 3-4 (2-1 mopo)

Elo Bandit you're the goat man i don't even know what to say, you were a great help to the team and you pretty much taught me how to play the game, i wouldn't be anywhere without you and i really appreciate all of your help.

Murman while not as influential on me as bandit, you were still great, due to actively being able to help nearly every slot and bringing a lot of new ideas to the table, you were an irreplaceable teammate.

Lumii i didn't really know you that well until pl tbf, the most contact we had was in ogpl but i didn't help in bw, you're an amazing player regardless of what you might think, going 8-0 isn't an easy feat, especially for playing sv7 for almost the whole tour, we wouldn't have been able to make it this far without you, i wish you good luck with life.

Urfgurgle like murm, you were able to provide assistance in every slot in the tour, and while your season was a bit rough, you were still an invaluable person to have around.
(gneiss guy)

Itchy pues no sé que decirte, fuiste una de las personas que fue más amable conmigo, y me encantó tenerte en rhyps, también pudiendo ser capaz de ayudar en otros tiers, capaz nos veremos en la copa mundial si termino en south.

Close the vibe you brought to the team was unlike any other, constantly cheering us on, being a fantastic player as always, and helping with ss and sm whenever possible, some really good stuff, thanks for being there.

Career Ended you were there when we needed you the most, and the wins you got were one of the hypest moments of the season, barras fear you now.

Blurmpt you + urf were an amazing team in ss5, and you were overall just nice to have around, i'm sorry for what happened to you during semis though, i hope it gets resolved soon.

Roginald good teammate, didn't really get a chance to talk with you much, but you played your games well, good luck in world cup of randbats.

rumia i need to finish watching breaking bad and i will tell you all about it when i'm done (the monopoke channel was filled with breaking bad and nothing else cuz i started watching it).

Lucario you were kinda there tbh, i'm sorry that zapdos is a b-tier mon :(

thanks to the supporters as well, specially Waylaid Eeveekid10 you guys were great help for semis.

bea Fancy1 shadowtime2000 Slip you guys and so many people that i met through PL, y'all are great and i hope we stay in contact for as long as possible, thanks guys <3

LRXC i've said this before but you introduced me to 1v1 man, it's crazy how 2 years go through, you're one of my best friends in 1v1, and just an amazing person in general, idk what would've been of me without you, pancham power!

DripLegend another thwackeys shout-out woo! anyway similar to logan you also helped me with a ton of stuff fr, you introduced me to sv 1v1, which depending on who you ask might be a blessing or a curse, and you also suggested to me to join rhypscord as supporter, which is the entire reason why i'm even here, i owe you a lot man (also thank you for helping whenever i doubted myself, you're awesome).

stravench specifically avoided mentioning you when i was talking about supporters, and that's cuz you deserve your own, you're probably my best friend in all of 1v1, and you were always there when i needed you most, thank you so much for your invaluable help in semis, even though i didn't win it, but we tried our best and were able to put up a fight against the unstoppable wall of leru, thank you for everything.

The2009Zapdos happy birthday.

thanks for reading and i hope i don't get drafted by rhyps next year, gn.

-bern :Cramorant:
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3rd pl in a row my team lost in semis, kinda stings
Elo Bandit Murman thanks for retaining me, love you guys, sorry I played like shit

Lumii thanks for carrying the team, 8-0 your first time playing bo7 is crazy

Close you're the goat glad I got to team with you again, sorry it turned out exactly like last time

Itchy your season went about like mine, slumps are tough, but I know you're capable of doing way better :purple_heart:

Bernian keep your chin up, you're a good player

Career Ended you're a chill dude and you played real good

Roginald you're a good clicker sorry i didn't check teams better

rumia Breaking Bad most saddest scene

Lucario thanks for helping sv and generally being chill

Blurmpt lemonblurmpt

AlyssaVGC secret behind lumii's success

Here Comes Team Charm! thanks for the help during weeks, always a pleasure building with you

Waylaid stravench Eeveekid10 Krytocon realaccountami? thanks for backing us in semis, appreciate y'all
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FEELING like doing an emotional post.

This is the 6th semis I lose and every time it stings more than the last one. This was the 7th edition of PL, and I've been a 1v1 community member in every single one of them. I've only started participating since the 4th edition and I can confirm that I've never lost passion and love to this metagame and to the community. Team Tournaments are my favorite part of the circuit even though I burn out and feel like shit in the end but that's part of the competition and I respect it. I enjoy seeing new techs, I enjoy seeing old heads coming back for one more dance, I enjoy seeing new members play a competitive league for the first time, and I enjoy seeing outsiders try the metagame. You can call me cringe and say it's just a game but 1v1's literally my baby and seeing everyone involved and the competition we can create out of this simple metagame is really something cool.

For everyone saying this edition sucked and we only had a limited number of good teams, I think they should go back and rewatch every PL. There's no shame in welcoming the new generation, and the new new generation. We have to admit that the community as a whole has become better in EVing, Scouting, and Building so you have no right to compare the old times and the current times. Sometimes names don't mean much.

I will not shoutout every single member. However, thank you every single one of you Mega Rays for giving it everything, for believing in us and for being part of this project. We couldn't win this one but there's always next time as the franchise lives on. We did some small mistakes that had a big impact in both semis and TB and I could have done better as a leader so I apologize. Special s/o to Palestine for being my duo during all these years and always performing, see u in WC buddy. S/o to Akuu and Slip keep practicing your SV skills guys and don't be afraid of branching out to older gens, both of you have a high ceiling and I believe in you for the future, I'm glad I got you both, and records don't show everything.

I tried my best not do say anything but eblurb have some shame and self respect and stop cringe posting and armchairing in public, you're better than whatever you're doing and saying man

Hopefully we see you all in WC.


dancing to alarm bells
is a Community Contributoris a Tiering Contributor
UUPL Champion
First time ever playing in 1v1pl and my team was sick so I want to make a quick shout out post. Unfortunate that we went out in semi's, but I think if we were able to run the tour back 100 times we wouldn't be stopped here. That being said I also think the Panchams more than deserve a spot in the finals and I'm very excited to see how this last week unfolds. Let's get into the sappy stuff.

In no particular order:

Akuu my south partner in crime. It was awesome getting to know you over this tour and it was really fun to build with you and watch you turn into a monster. Keep up the good work bro if you need anything lmk.

gorilaa you inspired me a lot with your builds and definitely led our SV presence by being such a dominant and respectable force. Tiebreaker was unfort but youre still the goat keep your head up and thanks for all the ideas I stole through the weeks.

ncalathes we didn't talk as much since you were mainly in the old gens, but you were very nice to me and supportive so I thank you for that. Thanks for believing in me with deg as managers and letting me play even though I got giga tilted when I lost 2 weeks in a row.

Lialiabeast we keep running into each other in different tours, but I think this is the first tour we got to team together. We didn't talk too much, but you were chill so I was happy to have you on the team since you kept the vibes up. Keep grinding man we come back stronger next year *insert ronaldo image here*

Euphonos I feel like we would know each other a lot better if I was around in the UU scene when you were more involved there lol, but I'm glad I got to meet you through this tour. You're extremely nice and hard working and I think your positive record displays that. Good luck in whatever your future holds, but I hope we can team again sometime.

LittEleven There is a lot of stuff I could say here to my 3rd manager as litt put my nose to the grindstone with builds and helped me a bunch with tests but I'm going to keep it simple. Thanks for pushing me throughout the weeks I think I wouldn't have gone positive if it wasn't for you. I don't think your record reflects your effort, so I'm sure next year you'll be more than due for a pop off.

Palestine the BW villain himself. I thought getting to know you was really funny, because your vibes are very different in and out of the discord. You are a very good player and a cool guy and bantering with you was a lot of fun. You made the discord lively and fun to be in which I appreciate a lot. Keep on rolling in the free world boss but let that nice side of you shine through a little bit more to randoms and I think everyone else annoyed by the rolls will relax a bit more about it LOL. Hope we get to team again some day boss.

DEG the man of the hour. you are a really good manager who cares about all of his players and puts in a lot of effort. I think you put too much blame on yourself for the results we got. There is something all of us could have done better but sometimes that is how the cards fold. The best times in the server were definitely us bantering and messing around. It let me play at ease and get good results. Take the pressure off yourself some in the future and you will fly even higher with the dedication and kindness you showed everyone on the team. Thank you for drafting me, believing in me, and helping me end with a good score. Def couldn't have done it without you.

TrainerPla and all the support guys who came in for playoffs: thanks for being around for tests/ideas/vibes. Was great hanging out with pla all season and the rest of our support in playoffs. Made everything more lively which I enjoyed a lot. Good luck in your future tours!

Well that's about it. Glad I got to go positive in my first 1v1pl. Had some good times, had some salty times, but overall was a very fun experience. Please enjoy this song to go with this. ALSO, I haven't forgot about the predictions. I will be adding up what I missed and announcing a winner tomorrow if not tonight, so look out for that if you are interested. GGs see you all next year or in 1v1wc :^)


Elo Bandit EloBandit
is a Community Contributor
Huge props to all the players of RPS Rhyperiors for working so hard and taking us to playoffs!

Murman Thanks for everything you did from scouting, prep, clicking, discord presence and vcs, it was a joy to co-manage this team with you again.
Lumii You literally went undefeated this season, achieving an insane record and totally carrying our current gen. Thanks for all the effort you put forward for this team.
Urfgurgle You anchor our entire squad together; your chill attitude makes every prep session and team vc so much more enjoyable. Your knowledge, experience, and wisdom are always appreciated.
Bernian You're a good clicker with a strong team presence and a rock solid understanding of the fundamentals of building and battling. I'm really glad we drafted you, and it was an absolute pleasure to watch you improve and win important matches.
Itchy Strong performance in BW, great chat presence, and supported other slots to victories. Thanks for everything!
Close Your teambuilding wisdom is always appreciated, and your clicking skills are nearly unmatched. It was an honor working with you this tour.
Blurmpt Your Discord presence, teambuilding, and impressive playing skill were all greatly appreciated this season.
Roginald Your game knowledge and clicking skill helped carry us to playoffs. I always felt like I could slot you nearly anywhere for a win.
Career Ended You pulled off some of the most impressive victories I've seen versus extremely accomplished players. Mad props to you for your insane clicking skills and clutch factor.
Lucario Thanks so much for all the help analyzing, teambuilding, and slotting in when we needed you!
rumia My goat!!! Thanks for all the help in sm this season!
AlyssaVGC Despite not being drafted, you helped carry us with your teambuilding expertise, thank you.

It was an extremely fun season thanks to all of you. Even though I'm not totally thrilled with my own performance near the end of the season, I'm still extremely proud of everything we were able to accomplish as a team. :RPS:

Shoutouts to Theia for hosting, and to all the other PL managers and players that provided us with exciting and sportsmanlike games this tour.


Whether to uturn or eq the heatran?
Huge props to all the players of RPS Rhyperiors for working so hard and taking us to playoffs!

Murman Thanks for everything you did from scouting, prep, clicking, discord presence and vcs, it was a joy to co-manage this team with you again.
Lumii You literally went undefeated this season, achieving an insane record and totally carrying our current gen. Thanks for all the effort you put forward for this team.
Urfgurgle You anchor our entire squad together; your chill attitude makes every prep session and team vc so much more enjoyable. Your knowledge, experience, and wisdom are always appreciated.
Bernian You're a good clicker with a strong team presence and a rock solid understanding of the fundamentals of building and battling. I'm really glad we drafted you, and it was an absolute pleasure to watch you improve and win important matches.
Itchy Strong performance in BW, great chat presence, and supported other slots to victories. Thanks for everything!
Close Your teambuilding wisdom is always appreciated, and your clicking skills are nearly unmatched. It was an honor working with you this tour.
Blurmpt Your Discord presence, teambuilding, and impressive playing skill were all greatly appreciated this season.
Roginald Your game knowledge and clicking skill helped carry us to playoffs. I always felt like I could slot you nearly anywhere for a win.
Career Ended You pulled off some of the most impressive victories I've seen versus extremely accomplished players. Mad props to you for your insane clicking skills and clutch factor.
Lucario Thanks so much for all the help analyzing, teambuilding, and slotting in when we needed you!
rumia My goat!!! Thanks for all the help in sm this season!
AlyssaVGC Despite not being drafted, you helped carry us with your teambuilding expertise, thank you.

It was an extremely fun season thanks to all of you. Even though I'm not totally thrilled with my own performance near the end of the season, I'm still extremely proud of everything we were able to accomplish as a team. :RPS:

Shoutouts to Theia for hosting, and to all the other PL managers and players that provided us with exciting and sportsmanlike games this tour.
Initially signing up for 1v1pl did not expect to play a single game let alone get drafted, but in the end both of these things happened. Ended this season at semis unfortunately but it was a great first experience into the wider realm of 1v1 allowing me to learn a lot. Typing this on mobile so hopefully I don’t miss anyone but will like to thank everyone on the megarays for making this a great experience for me nevertheless.

DEG Have to thank you the most here alongside ncalathes as you both were the caps that gave me a shot in the first place. I interacted with Deg more often because I was in the mines of SV a lot but you were both great presences overall. Made me feel like a true member of the team. You’re a great manager deg and you took the fall a lot more than you should’ve on some losses because it was extremely evident from your activity how much time and effort you put in to ensure we prosper. The losses aren’t defined by one man since we’re a team we take each loss as a unit gracefully. Thank you both though once again.

Slip Started off initially helping you craft early on to later be on the starting lineup alongside you. You were a really great team and presence to be around a lot and you had a good season. You may have gave deg 60 heart attacks a week with random attempts to use orthoworm but you made up for it in the end at least! Hopefully we get to team again once WC comes around my south brother.

TrainerPla One of the biggest helps in SV behind the scenes honestly. Thanks for being there when needed for tests and ideas really helped a lot and I appreciate you a lot for that brother.

LittEleven I took over SV Bo7 and winded up going negative my apologies D: but you were a really great team presence each week and felt like a second mentor at times alongside deg. Hopefully you start sleeping and not waiting until the games to try and sneak in some rest.

Palestine MVP in my book fr. Seeing you slotted in BW seemed like we were bound to win each week. Your discord presence was really funny and you’re a great guy to be around. Reading Al-Fatiha before play is truly the secret to winning fyi. May have annoyed other teams a bit but I know you’re a good guy at the end of the day.

gorilaa I enjoyed being able to team with you and will say both you and Litt saved me a lot in building with me taking sets from you guys.

DezShizzels Euphonos Lialiabeast and any other guys i may have missed I didn’t interact with you guys the most but the times I did you were all really enjoyable people to be around.

Went negative unfortunately in my first 1v1pl and lost some crucial game 7s unfortunately for my team I had a very enjoyable time at the end of the day because of my team. I wish I could’ve did better for you guys but next season if im drafted again I surely will aim to go positive . For now need to do good in masters

if you want to read the whole thing, don't skip around and read from start to finish. if you dont want to read it all, i have a message at the end that you should read and move on with your day

i'd like to start this by doing my personal regular season awards that I'd like to post for the sake of history and to show respect to those who did a good job this tour.
MVP: delemon

Most Improved: swag god
Best Builder: delemon
Biggest Underpay: Taka (3000 for 5-2)
Best Manager: DEG

All Pro First Team:
SV 1v1 Bo7: delemon (7-0)
SV 1v1: Lumii (6-0)
SV 1v1: eblurb (6-1)
SS 1v1 Bo7: swag god (5-1)
SS 1v1: bored_glitch (5-1)
SM 1v1: Thwackey's SM (7-0) (Sanshokuinsumireko, TheShadowClaw, spoo)
ORAS 1v1: Inkreativ (5-2)
BW 1v1: Taka (5-1)

All Pro Second Team
SV 1v1 Bo7: gorilaa (5-1)
SV 1v1: Vertigo (5-2)
SV 1v1: bo_bobson27 (4-3)
SS 1v1 Bo7: Close (4-1)
SS 1v1: Fragments (5-2)
SM 1v1: Barra's SM (6-1) (Leru, maki, Squirtell 1v1)
ORAS 1v1: Barra's ORAS (6-1) (Santu, Leru, Nick, The Strap)
BW 1v1: Palestine (5-2)

goes without saying that i'm biased. SM and ORAS are hard because of revolving doors. prioritized individuals over slots, but the accomplishments of Thwackey's SM and Barra's SM and ORAS shouldn't be ignored. Didn't put Edgar due to him getting acted to end his teams realistic chances. slotting in bo7 or bo5 didn't influence much.

ill say at the outset that this post is a hard one to write. my teammates pretty much know how i feel about them already, so what i say here is just what i want to tell people outside of our team about us. there's a lot that I Could say about everything as well, so i guess pay attention to what i choose to say and what i choose not to say

first though i obviously have to talk about us being the best pl team ever! Here’s a quick breakdown of our regular season:
1. We had the best regular season in PL History with 6 wins and 1 tie, tying the most weeks won and becoming the second team to go undefeated in a regular season. the mega rays in PL 6 won 6 weeks as well, but also lost a week to the barras who they would go on to beat in finals. The PL 3 Heatrans won 5 weeks and tied 2 weeks. We tie the best differential ever at +18, which the PL 3 Heatrans also had. The PL 3 Heatrans tied the first two weeks then 6-2'd 4 teams, only winning 5-3 vs the Jumpluffs who they would go on to beat in finals.

2. We only had 2 people go negative and one person go even, including subs, and everybody won a game. Barras last year also had 2 people go negative, but had no people go even in the regular season. I've taken great pride but also great disappointment in this stat the past two years.

Tier Stats:
SV - 13-8
SS - 6-8
SM - 6-1
ORAS - 6-1
BW - 6-1

WP to our old gens

then we won the tour, officially becoming the second team to go undefeated in this tour alongside the PL 3 heatrans. Like every other winner we had some circumstances go our way from the auction to the finals, but that’s just how it goes. We ended up being a dominant team that was very different than the heatrans smoking everybody every week. We were a team that won a shit ton of clutch and deciding games on Sunday throughout the weeks. I, like every other manager, tried to cultivate the sense that we unless we lost 5 series we never would lose, no matter how bad it looked. this guy larry wasn't a believer though:

(we were down 0-3 before that series ignore this was the week we tied)

I also made this for our team because I noticed we had a lot of former teammates beyond the barras from last year

shoutout emil strap and maki repping RPS
I thought it was poetic that the playoff teams from this year were the same as last year, and I thought that us four were the strongest teams this tour from the auction. I respect all of the other playoff teams and their managers. You guys all showed up throughout the tour and made it competitive. The other four teams just have losing energy now imo, for various reasons, with the exception of maybe the Thwackeys but I still just dislike that franchise so yeah

I'll also post some screens from the last two years, just to remind my players that they happened



ok so now onto what you're probably reading this for; to see what I have to say about my team, my players, and yourself. I'll do individual shoutouts first and i have a specific way of doing it to make it worthwhile. after the auction, I asked everyone what their goals for the season were just to get a temperature check on where they were at. I’m not sure how many of them remember, but I’m just gonna share what they were bc idc and I’ll use them to talk about everyone

first thank you to our supporters:
SuperMemeBroz Slip for hanging out when ur teams were out
tears Rellia <3
swag god even though you were in 1 and then 2 team cords the whole tour including finals

and a special thanks to Opchurtle100. doug, you were genuinely really fun to have around. i hope you can stay unbanned and get opportunities in the future. you gave a lot for our team, though you were unhinged at times, and you might as well have this trophy as well

The Strap
1. don't be bigots: none of us got banned and nothing bad happened in our team chat
2. we play immaculately and time our plays: i'd say we did this for the most part. we had some omega throws and bad plays, but we made much more good plays and won the tour
3. prevent larry from ruining prep: you'd think this would be a for sure green, but we did have the chansey/entei/ferrothorn series so its debatable

skysolo, your series vs xstatic was definitely one of the highlights of the tour. in another world you played a lot more series for us the past two years and won most of them. i never forgot that you were one of the first people i met on here, so winning with you feels good. thanks for signing up

1. learning from my teammates so I can become a better player: i can't judge this. did you learn?
2. helping my teammates when possible (testing teams and giving ideas mostly): you did do this, actually

bea, i was glad that we got you at the end of the draft, not just because you going undrafted again would be inexplicable and a tragedy, but because i actually did enjoy having you around. yeah you definitely annoyed me at times but so did basically everyone so ur fine. you had a few traits that were rare on our team which contributed to our victory, which were you wanted to help and you talked a lot, and these are two very important things in a teammate.

i have to address the sword and dondozo incident in public. so basically sword hadn't brought dondozo yet in the tour and I actually just forgot the pokemon existed, and also sword is actually irrelevant to me so I just didn't remember his S rank dondozo shit. those aren't excuses, its just what happened, and it was just such a disgusting oversight by me and i felt so bad and im still sorry. i cant make it up to you for your record as i can't for pl 5, but we did end up winning the tour at least.

i hope that you gained more than pixels from being a part of our team, and i hope that you get more opportunities in the future, because i actually do think you deserve them; i thought this before the tour and i still think this now, even more so. so just think about that.

1. Go positive +win tour: finished 3-2 and we won the tour :yei:
2. prep consistently: the week where u said u were gonna build then emil was like we gotta face the reality this guy did not build on saturday night was funny af ngl. you put in good work the other weeks
3. make more connections/friends: i think you did but like half our roster is dead and just played because of me so idk. at worst you have my vouch

marsh, i liked having you around even in past jerks, and emil wanted to get you for sv, and thats why you got you. i think you have work to do as a player which is why i decided to play maki instead of you in finals, but you've shown that you have good ideas, are helpful, and can win some games. Life orb corv did end up going 2-0 in finals, wp to you. thanks for what you did for our team, bellibolt good hof mon

1. best case would be going undefeated and also just getting to build a ton of teams: not quite undefeated but you did great, and you did build a ton of teams
1a. its always nice to learn how to build in a new tier + i want to come out the end of this being able to mostly self sufficiently build in this tier, as well as just performing well: I would say you are self sufficient at this point yeah. for a team with as many bw minds as we had you did a good job of having and executing your own ideas while balancing that with everyone elses suggestions
2. maybe also just being pretty active + supporting the team chat in other slots at least for tests: you definitely did do this, for those that care about line count taka had like 1k more than I did when the tour was over

taka, when jacob said that he wanted to get you no matter what i said who the fuck is taka. i trusted though, and you delivered and then some. it was worth getting you just for your eagerness, which was so refreshing for me since i'm basically a fuckin boomer in this tier now. you were a great presence and very active and helpful, and even though you lost in finals you did so much work towards us going undefeated throughout the tour, so thank you. i hope you keep playing because you'll keep getting better and doing well

1. win: we did win, so you won the first and the seventh 1v1pl, which is fucking crazy thinking about it. fun fact, you also are one of the only players to have had both me and dom as managers
2. enjoy playing 1v1: i think you had fun after week 1 :pain:
3. get skills back: yeah you did. your finals series in particular was very well done

Santu, we didn't plan on getting you but we're obviously glad that we did. I hope you had fun and you play 1v1 again in the future when you are less busy. Thanks for playing and putting in effort when needed.

Squirtell 1v1
1. go positive, 7-2: positive, not quite 7-2 but ur sv series don't count
2. win the tour: yep, up to 5 baby
3. go undefeated in tb/playoffs: ur semis series didnt count really but still did for ur record. you managed to win in finals though u had a little bit of plot armor

squirtell, i think that you're the greatest player ever. not in influence, but raw accomplishments and gameplay. you played for 5 different franchises, and it was my honor to be the one that you finally won this tour with, especially after scolipedes. thanks for trusting me again.


1. Build ss
2. 6-2

3. Run the gauntlet opps

bro you were not building SS and didn't want to play that many games LOOL cmon. you did build a couple teams and run the Elo Bandit gauntlet yeah. maki, I don't really know what more there is to say between us. i'll just say thank you for playing for me all these years, and i'm genuinely glad we won together

1. winning is one goal: yep
2. being able to prep a full set of high quality teams each week would be good: yeah nah u made me have to suffer more, but you did build some heat the weeks you did build
3. not sure abt last ill get back to u: he did not get back to me

Nick, it was one of the great pleasures of my 1v1 career to watch you grow. it's a cheesy thing to say, but its true. you went from Nick.see with the default pfp in PB to being one of the best SS player according to the circuit in one year. you were busier and less motivated than last year, but i dont blame you for it and im not mad at all. you showed up and played well in your wins, and your finals series was huge. i hope if you play more you get the chance to play a tier you enjoy. thanks for playing for me these past two years

its atypical to not do your co first or last, but when you consider the two people left after him it makes sense

1. get better at trusting my gut and picking right: did you?
2. eradicate the habit of being quick to flame people and being negative: i think you did a pretty good job of this
3. go positive: ha nope
4. taka goes positive: yep
5. win the chip: we did it

there's a funny story behind his self buy, which is he played vertigo for like ttt and he said if he won the series hes buying himself, and he was like down in the series at some point and vertigo brought heatran keldeo celebi g5 or something and jacob won. so i took that and ran with it and had him buy himself before he changed his mind. and this is where i pretty much explain why i did it

jacob, you said to me before the tour that you felt that you were close to a breakthrough as a player after ogpl, and i also felt this, so wanted to try and help you get over the hump. but at the end of the day, the only person that can help another person is themselves. i think i did help you stay not tilted and refreshed for the most part, but i also think the tier you played kinda prevented you from achieving the heights you wanted. buying you was worth it just to have someone doing things themselves in the ss bo7, and also to remind the other team that we had you when they prepped.

something i said to jacob after the tour was, one of the best parts of managing with you was not having to face you. its a funny line, but its true, and its one of the highest compliments i can give in this god forsaken tier. i remember we talked about the best players ever one emotional night, which obviously includes yourself. you and i both knew that you were chasing that peak in 2021 where you defined that year, but we also knew that you couldn't really just based on how ss and how 1v1 as a whole changed. but at the end of the day, no matter what level you're prepping and playing at, including going negative on the best team ever, you're still that legend and one of the greatest ever, with one of the greatest minds to touch competitive pokemon. the techs, the cteaming, the matchup knowledge, the beating the whole tier with encore-disable mons; you're truly at the highest level still at all of those. don't forget that, and everything that you accomplished here, whether you choose to play more or if you choose to be done. thanks for managing with me, for taking the ss bullet, for dealing with emil and dealing with everything that came with being a part of our team. it was an honor

1. win the tour: sure did
2. go positive: sure did and then some
3. no misplays whatsoever: you had a few stinkers

this one is truly one where i have no need to say anything in public, but i'll address people outside of our team directly here. leru only really cared about getting teams, having a sets comp, and winning. he put extremely little effort in outside of asking for those and playing. every week besides week 6-7 i put him in the tier that i thought was best for our team. weeks 6 and 7 was just my ego wanting to see someone win in every gen in this tour, and i ended up making sv and bw sets comps from scratch to make it happen. leru was the type of player that every manager wants because he actually used his head and didn't throw mus that you can think your way to winning in, ex. stall mus., and he obviously never lost and won the final series, though he plot armored a little. when you're undefeated though, you get that plot armor; see delemon vs akuu g7 both series. he also was only down in series three times this tour, including twice in finals (0-1, 1-2). the other series was he lost g1 vs bernian in semis

one more thing to leru though. leru, thanks for being loyal to me these last few years. i enjoyed and never regretted the time i spent helping you. thanks for everything


and now i get to this guy. emil, you are egotistical, socially and emotionally flawed through no fault of your own, and you can be real bad presence, both in public and in the team cord. however, i always accepted your flaws, as i did everyone elses for better or worse, and i never actually cared about any of those things. i know that there is pretty much no one else that i would have wanted to have on my team the past two years because it was a joy for me. i did hear that you flamed our entire team in private constantly which was a bit sad but there is still only one thing thats bothered me about emil all these years, which is he really hasn't changed.

i made the decision to put emil vs delemon instead of leru for a few reasons, but one of the main ones was i wanted him to culminate years of learning and disappointment and losing in finals into one monumental victory that would win us the tour. emils someone that you love to root against and i knew fucking everyone wanted him to lose cause of how he was acting, so as someone who has stood by this guy and accepted all of his faults.. it felt so fucking good. i didnt really show it because we had a tour to win, but that was really like a proud dad moment, where you feel like you actually did some good in the world. i cant take any credit though, that goes to his armada of people helping him prep in group chats all tour, which brings me to my first ask: dont forget the people who helped you along the way. theres a metric ton of them. my second is to dont forget that you aren't me, and you can't even be me, so be you. but do try to grow as a person yeah?

i never regretted helping you, and helping you was another of the great joys of my 1v1 career. thanks for everything
alright so honestly i coulda just wrote we had the best lineup ever so we won bop and called it, but i decided to write more because its obviously not that easy because margins of winning and skill expression are so small in 1v1 that having so much talent doesnt decide your victory. my players also deserve more than that. its common to say that motivation and activity are what win these, which is pretty true, but this is where i arrive at myself and our team as a whole.

talent takes you a long way, but i knew that we weren't going to maximize our potential and win the tour like we did without me or someone else taking the burden of building a lot, because we weren't a very motivated or active team outside of during series and a couple channels a week. you might ask why didnt i split the burden considering we had some motivated people, potatochan, and eblurb, and the answer is one of my many personality flaws is, due to stuff that happened in my life, i can't rely on other people, so i just try to do everything myself and thats one of the reasons i can be a bad manager. i hate having things be out of my hands and not be able to control it, and then just have someone int me or my player. especially in finals i kinda didn't let some people help as much as they wanted because i was just like man, i've done this much to get us this far im getting us across the finish line. fortunately i have a skillset tailormade for prepping the amount i did so it went okay. most of what i did was actually organization and deciding which teams would be brought when, which is underrated and huge, but i did build a lot too.
SV: 60
SS: 76
SM: 7
ORAS: 61
BW: 8
Total: 212

obviously not all were used but these were the numbers for teams that i would call myself the biggest contributor for that i considered us using.

i said that i "enjoyed having you: in all of the above shoutouts because i think some of how i acted and what i said made it seem like i hated everyone on our team, but that wasnt the case. i was just projecting some things i was dealing with in my personal life and i wanted to do other things besides building 1v1, but i fulfill my obligations. i didnt actually get burnt out though, i think i only really got tired of building ss because i had so much difficulty finding things that i thought were usable.

yeah i think ive said about enough, my final message to my players and our supporters is simply thanks for playing for me, and i hope you had fun and gained something from joining this tour. my final message to everyone else is mons is a good hobby, and try to enjoy it as much as you can. i lost my passion and enjoyment for the game years ago now, and i really wished i had it sometimes. i had my moments of course, but i still remember being new and getting into everything and it being so fun. so yeah just do what you enjoy, but also don't forget that winning is the common denominator for having fun in competition. also dont let what people think that aren't relevant to you stop you from doing what you enjoy. 1v1 is a really fun tier for all levels of commitment, and i hope new people try it and continue to play it, and i hope old people keep coming back.

see y'all around
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if you want to read the whole thing, don't skip around and read from start to finish. if you dont want to read it all, i have a message at the end that you should read and move on with your day

i'd like to start this by doing my personal regular season awards that I'd like to post for the sake of history and to show respect to those who did a good job this tour.
MVP: delemon

Most Improved: swag god
Best Builder: delemon
Biggest Underpay: Taka (3000 for 5-2)
Best Manager: DEG

All Pro First Team:
SV 1v1 Bo7: delemon (7-0)
SV 1v1: Lumii (6-0)
SV 1v1: eblurb (6-1)
SS 1v1 Bo7: swag god (5-1)
SS 1v1: bored_glitch (5-1)
SM 1v1: Thwackey's SM (7-0) (Sanshokuinsumireko, TheShadowClaw, spoo)
ORAS 1v1: Inkreativ (5-2)
BW 1v1: Taka (5-1)

All Pro Second Team
SV 1v1 Bo7: gorilaa (5-1)
SV 1v1: Vertigo (4-3)
SV 1v1: bo_bobson27 (4-3)
SS 1v1 Bo7: Close (4-1)
SS 1v1: Fragments (5-2)
SM 1v1: Barra's SM (6-1) (Leru, maki, Squirtell 1v1)
ORAS 1v1: Barra's ORAS (6-1) (Santu, Leru, Nick, The Strap)
BW 1v1: Palestine (5-2)

goes without saying that i'm biased. SM and ORAS are hard because of revolving doors. prioritized individuals over slots, but the accomplishments of Thwackey's SM and Barra's SM and ORAS shouldn't be ignored. Didn't put Edgar due to him getting acted to end his teams realistic chances. slotting in bo7 or bo5 didn't influence much.

ill say at the outset that this post is a hard one to write. my teammates pretty much know how i feel about them already, so what i say here is just what i want to tell people outside of our team about us. there's a lot that I Could say about everything as well, so i guess pay attention to what i choose to say and what i choose not to say

first though i obviously have to talk about us being the best pl team ever! Here’s a quick breakdown of our regular season:
1. We had the best regular season in PL History with 6 wins and 1 tie, tying the most weeks won and becoming the second team to go undefeated in a regular season. the mega rays in PL 6 won 6 weeks as well, but also lost a week to the barras who they would go on to beat in finals. The PL 3 Heatrans won 5 weeks and tied 2 weeks. We tie the best differential ever at +18, which the PL 3 Heatrans also had. The PL 3 Heatrans tied the first two weeks then 6-2'd 4 teams, only winning 5-3 vs the Jumpluffs who they would go on to beat in finals.

2. We only had 2 people go negative and one person go even, including subs, and everybody won a game. Barras last year also had 2 people go negative, but had no people go even in the regular season. I've taken great pride but also great disappointment in this stat the past two years.

Tier Stats:
SV - 13-8
SS - 6-8
SM - 6-1
ORAS - 6-1
BW - 6-1

WP to our old gens

then we won the tour, officially becoming the second team to go undefeated in this tour alongside the PL 3 heatrans. Like every other winner we had some circumstances go our way from the auction to the finals, but that’s just how it goes. We ended up being a dominant team that was very different than the heatrans smoking everybody every week. We were a team that won a shit ton of clutch and deciding games on Sunday throughout the weeks. I, like every other manager, tried to cultivate the sense that we unless we lost 5 series we never would lose, no matter how bad it looked. this guy larry wasn't a believer though:
View attachment 552742
(we were down 0-3 before that series ignore this was the week we tied)

I also made this for our team because I noticed we had a lot of former teammates beyond the barras from last year
View attachment 552721
shoutout emil strap and maki repping RPS
I thought it was poetic that the playoff teams from this year were the same as last year, and I thought that us four were the strongest teams this tour from the auction. I respect all of the other playoff teams and their managers. You guys all showed up throughout the tour and made it competitive. The other four teams just have losing energy now imo, for various reasons, with the exception of maybe the Thwackeys but I still just dislike that franchise so yeah

I'll also post some screens from the last two years, just to remind my players that they happened

ok so now onto what you're probably reading this for; to see what I have to say about my team, my players, and yourself. I'll do individual shoutouts first and i have a specific way of doing it to make it worthwhile. after the auction, I asked everyone what their goals for the season were just to get a temperature check on where they were at. I’m not sure how many of them remember, but I’m just gonna share what they were bc idc and I’ll use them to talk about everyone

first thank you to our supporters:
SuperMemeBroz Slip for hanging out when ur teams were out
tears Rellia <3
swag god even though you were in 1 and then 2 team cords the whole tour including finals

and a special thanks to Opchurtle100. doug, you were genuinely really fun to have around. i hope you can stay unbanned and get opportunities in the future. you gave a lot for our team, though you were unhinged at times, and you might as well have this trophy as well

The Strap
1. don't be bigots: none of us got banned and nothing bad happened in our team chat
2. we play immaculately and time our plays: i'd say we did this for the most part. we had some omega throws and bad plays, but we made much more good plays and won the tour
3. prevent larry from ruining prep: you'd think this would be a for sure green, but we did have the chansey/entei/ferrothorn series so its debatable

skysolo, your series vs xstatic was definitely one of the highlights of the tour. in another world you played a lot more series for us the past two years and won most of them. i never forgot that you were one of the first people i met on here, so winning with you feels good. thanks for signing up

1. learning from my teammates so I can become a better player: i can't judge this. did you learn?
2. helping my teammates when possible (testing teams and giving ideas mostly): you did do this, actually

bea, i was glad that we got you at the end of the draft, not just because you going undrafted again would be inexplicable and a tragedy, but because i actually did enjoy having you around. yeah you definitely annoyed me at times but so did basically everyone so ur fine. you had a few traits that were rare on our team which contributed to our victory, which were you wanted to help and you talked a lot, and these are two very important things in a teammate.

i have to address the sword and dondozo incident in public. so basically sword hadn't brought dondozo yet in the tour and I actually just forgot the pokemon existed, and also sword is actually irrelevant to me so I just didn't remember his S rank dondozo shit. those aren't excuses, its just what happened, and it was just such a disgusting oversight by me and i felt so bad and im still sorry. i cant make it up to you for your record as i can't for pl 5, but we did end up winning the tour at least.

i hope that you gained more than pixels from being a part of our team, and i hope that you get more opportunities in the future, because i actually do think you deserve them; i thought this before the tour and i still think this now, even more so. so just think about that.

1. Go positive +win tour: finished 3-2 and we won the tour :yei:
2. prep consistently: the week where u said u were gonna build then emil was like we gotta face the reality this guy did not build on saturday night was funny af ngl. you put in good work the other weeks
3. make more connections/friends: i think you did but like half our roster is dead and just played because of me so idk. at worst you have my vouch

marsh, i liked having you around even in past jerks, and emil wanted to get you for sv, and thats why you got you. i think you have work to do as a player which is why i decided to play maki instead of you in finals, but you've shown that you have good ideas, are helpful, and can win some games. Life orb corv did end up going 2-0 in finals, wp to you. thanks for what you did for our team, bellibolt good hof mon

1. best case would be going undefeated and also just getting to build a ton of teams: not quite undefeated but you did great, and you did build a ton of teams
1a. its always nice to learn how to build in a new tier + i want to come out the end of this being able to mostly self sufficiently build in this tier, as well as just performing well: I would say you are self sufficient at this point yeah. for a team with as many bw minds as we had you did a good job of having and executing your own ideas while balancing that with everyone elses suggestions
2. maybe also just being pretty active + supporting the team chat in other slots at least for tests: you definitely did do this, for those that care about line count taka had like 1k more than I did when the tour was over

taka, when jacob said that he wanted to get you no matter what i said who the fuck is taka. i trusted though, and you delivered and then some. it was worth getting you just for your eagerness, which was so refreshing for me since i'm basically a fuckin boomer in this tier now. you were a great presence and very active and helpful, and even though you lost in finals you did so much work towards us going undefeated throughout the tour, so thank you. i hope you keep playing because you'll keep getting better and doing well

1. win: we did win, so you won the first and the seventh 1v1pl, which is fucking crazy thinking about it. fun fact, you also are one of the only players to have had both me and dom as managers
2. enjoy playing 1v1: i think you had fun after week 1 :pain:
3. get skills back: yeah you did. your finals series in particular was very well done

Santu, we didn't plan on getting you but we're obviously glad that we did. I hope you had fun and you play 1v1 again in the future when you are less busy. Thanks for playing and putting in effort when needed.

Squirtell 1v1
1. go positive, 7-2: positive, not quite 7-2 but ur sv series don't count
2. win the tour: yep, up to 5 baby
3. go undefeated in tb/playoffs: ur semis series didnt count really but still did for ur record. you managed to win in finals though u had a little bit of plot armor

squirtell, i think that you're the greatest player ever. not in influence, but raw accomplishments and gameplay. you played for 5 different franchises, and it was my honor to be the one that you finally won this tour with, especially after scolipedes. thanks for trusting me again.


1. Build ss
2. 6-2

3. Run the gauntlet opps

bro you were not building SS and didn't want to play that many games LOOL cmon. you did build a couple teams and run the Elo Bandit gauntlet yeah. maki, I don't really know what more there is to say between us. i'll just say thank you for playing for me all these years, and i'm genuinely glad we won together

1. winning is one goal: yep
2. being able to prep a full set of high quality teams each week would be good: yeah nah u made me have to suffer more, but you did build some heat the weeks you did build
3. not sure abt last ill get back to u: he did not get back to me

Nick, it was one of the great pleasures of my 1v1 career to watch you grow. it's a cheesy thing to say, but its true. you went from Nick.see with the default pfp in PB to being one of the best SS player according to the circuit in one year. you were busier and less motivated than last year, but i dont blame you for it and im not mad at all. you showed up and played well in your wins, and your finals series was huge. i hope if you play more you get the chance to play a tier you enjoy. thanks for playing for me these past two years

its atypical to not do your co first or last, but when you consider the two people left after him it makes sense

1. get better at trusting my gut and picking right: did you?
2. eradicate the habit of being quick to flame people and being negative: i think you did a pretty good job of this
3. go positive: ha nope
4. taka goes positive: yep
5. win the chip: we did it

there's a funny story behind his self buy, which is he played vertigo for like ttt and he said if he won the series hes buying himself, and he was like down in the series at some point and vertigo brought heatran keldeo celebi g5 or something and jacob won. so i took that and ran with it and had him buy himself before he changed his mind. and this is where i pretty much explain why i did it

jacob, you said to me before the tour that you felt that you were close to a breakthrough as a player after ogpl, and i also felt this, so wanted to try and help you get over the hump. but at the end of the day, the only person that can help another person is themselves. i think i did help you stay not tilted and refreshed for the most part, but i also think the tier you played kinda prevented you from achieving the heights you wanted. buying you was worth it just to have someone doing things themselves in the ss bo7, and also to remind the other team that we had you when they prepped.

something i said to jacob after the tour was, one of the best parts of managing with you was not having to face you. its a funny line, but its true, and its one of the highest compliments i can give in this god forsaken tier. i remember we talked about the best players ever one emotional night, which obviously includes yourself. you and i both knew that you were chasing that peak in 2021 where you defined that year, but we also knew that you couldn't really just based on how ss and how 1v1 as a whole changed. but at the end of the day, no matter what level you're prepping and playing at, including going negative on the best team ever, you're still that legend and one of the greatest ever, with one of the greatest minds to touch competitive pokemon. the techs, the cteaming, the matchup knowledge, the beating the whole tier with encore-disable mons; you're truly at the highest level still at all of those. don't forget that, and everything that you accomplished here, whether you choose to play more or if you choose to be done. thanks for managing with me, for taking the ss bullet, for dealing with emil and dealing with everything that came with being a part of our team. it was an honor

1. win the tour: sure did
2. go positive: sure did and then some
3. no misplays whatsoever: you had a few stinkers

this one is truly one where i have no need to say anything in public, but i'll address people outside of our team directly here. leru only really cared about getting teams, having a sets comp, and winning. he put extremely little effort in outside of asking for those and playing. every week besides week 6-7 i put him in the tier that i thought was best for our team. weeks 6 and 7 was just my ego wanting to see someone win in every gen in this tour, and i ended up making sv and bw sets comps from scratch to make it happen. leru was the type of player that every manager wants because he actually used his head and didn't throw mus that you can think your way to winning in, ex. stall mus., and he obviously never lost and won the final series, though he plot armored a little. when you're undefeated though, you get that plot armor; see delemon vs akuu g7 both series

one more thing to leru though. leru, thanks for being loyal to me these last few years. i enjoyed and never regretted the time i spent helping you. thanks for everything


and now i get to this guy. emil, you are egotistical, socially and emotionally flawed through no fault of your own, and you can be real bad presence, both in public and in the team cord. however, i always accepted your flaws, as i did everyone elses for better or worse, and i never actually cared about any of those things. i know that there is pretty much no one else that i would have wanted to have on my team the past two years because it was a joy for me. i did hear that you flamed our entire team in private constantly which was a bit sad but there is still only one thing thats bothered me about emil all these years, which is he really hasn't changed.

i made the decision to put emil vs delemon instead of leru for a few reasons, but one of the main ones was i wanted him to culminate years of learning and disappointment and losing in finals into one monumental victory that would win us the tour. emils someone that you love to root against and i knew fucking everyone wanted him to lose cause of how he was acting, so as someone who has stood by this guy and accepted all of his faults.. it felt so fucking good. i didnt really show it because we had a tour to win, but that was really like a proud dad moment, where you feel like you actually did some good in the world. i cant take any credit though, that goes to his armada of people helping him prep in group chats all tour, which brings me to my first ask: dont forget the people who helped you along the way. theres a metric ton of them. my second is to dont forget that you aren't me, and you can't even be me, so be you. but do try to grow as a person yeah?

i never regretted helping you, and helping you was another of the great joys of my 1v1 career. thanks for everything
alright so honestly i coulda just wrote we had the best lineup ever so we won bop and called it, but i decided to write more because its obviously not that easy because margins of winning and skill expression are so small in 1v1 that having so much talent doesnt decide your victory. my players also deserve more than that. its common to say that motivation and activity are what win these, which is pretty true, but this is where i arrive at myself and our team as a whole.

talent takes you a long way, but i knew that we weren't going to maximize our potential and win the tour like we did without me or someone else taking the burden of building a lot, because we weren't a very motivated or active team outside of during series and a couple channels a week. you might ask why didnt i split the burden considering we had some motivated people, potatochan, and eblurb, and the answer is one of my many personality flaws is, due to stuff that happened in my life, i can't rely on other people, so i just try to do everything myself and thats one of the reasons i can be a bad manager. i hate having things be out of my hands and not be able to control it, and then just have someone int me or my player. especially in finals i kinda didn't let some people help as much as they wanted because i was just like man, i've done this much to get us this far im getting us across the finish line. fortunately i have a skillset tailormade for prepping the amount i did so it went okay. most of what i did was actually organization and deciding which teams would be brought when, which is underrated and huge, but i did build a lot too.
SV: 60
SS: 76
SM: 7
ORAS: 61
BW: 8
Total: 212

obviously not all were used but these were the numbers for teams that i would call myself the biggest contributor for that i considered us using.

i said that i "enjoyed having you: in all of the above shoutouts because i think some of how i acted and what i said made it seem like i hated everyone on our team, but that wasnt the case. i was just projecting some things i was dealing with in my personal life and i wanted to do other things besides building 1v1, but i fulfill my obligations. i didnt actually get burnt out though, i think i only really got tired of building ss because i had so much difficulty finding things that i thought were usable.

yeah i think ive said about enough, my final message to my players and our supporters is simply thanks for playing for me, and i hope you had fun and gained something from joining this tour. my final message to everyone else is mons is a good hobby, and try to enjoy it as much as you can. i lost my passion and enjoyment for the game years ago now, and i really wished i had it sometimes. i had my moments of course, but i still remember being new and getting into everything and it being so fun. so yeah just do what you enjoy, but also don't forget that winning is the common denominator for having fun in competition. also dont let what people think that aren't relevant to you stop you from doing what you enjoy. 1v1 is a really fun tier for all levels of commitment, and i hope new people try it and continue to play it, and i hope old people keep coming back.

see y'all around
ok so you’re telling me Emil is a fucking Pokémon rival then. ok

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