DOU 2023 Doubles Invitationals - Finals (Won by bage1)

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Blood on the Clocktower is the best
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Doubles Leader

Art by GenOne

Standard Rules and Clauses
  • Endless Battle Clause: Players cannot use any moveset on any Pokémon capable of intentionally causing an endless battle. Thus:
    • A Pokémon may not carry Recycle and hold a Leppa Berry in conjunction with Heal Pulse and Milk Drink, Moonlight, Morning Sun, Recover, Roost, Slack Off, Soft-Boiled, or Wish.
    • A Pokémon may not hold a Leppa Berry while carrying Recycle and Pain Split.
    • A Pokémon may not hold a Leppa Berry while carrying Recycle and Fling
  • Evasion Clause: Players cannot use the moves Double Team or Minimize.
  • OHKO Clause: Players cannot use the moves Fissure, Guillotine, Horn Drill, or Sheer Cold.
  • Species Clause: Players cannot have two Pokémon with the same Pokédex number on the same team.
  • Gravity Sleep Clause: Sleep moves with below one hundred percent accuracy may not be used in conjunction with Gravity.
Pokémon Restrictions
Players can only use Pokemon that are currently either obtainable in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet or transferable to Pokemon Scarlet and Violet.
Players cannot use the following Pokémon:
  • Annihilape
  • Arceus
  • Basculegion-Male
  • Calyrex-Ice
  • Calyrex-Shadow
  • Darkrai
  • Dialga
  • Dialga-Origin
  • Eternatus
  • Giratina
  • Giratina-Origin
  • Groudon
  • Koraidon
  • Kyogre
  • Kyurem-Black
  • Kyurem-White
  • Magearna
  • Mewtwo
  • Miraidon
  • Palkia
  • Palkia-Origin
  • Rayquaza
  • Lugia
  • Ho-Oh
  • Reshiram
  • Zekrom
  • Solgaleo
  • Lunala
  • Necrozma-Dusk-Mane
  • Necrozma-Dawn-Wings
  • Tatsugiri
  • Terapagos
  • Urshifu-Single-Strike
  • Urshifu-Rapid-Strike
  • Zacian
  • Zacian-Crowned
  • Zamazenta
  • Zamazenta-Crowned
Players cannot use the following abilities:
  • Shadow Tag
Top 16
(Player Cards by myself)


(1) Yoda2798 vs Farfromani (16) - extension


(8) zee vs entrocefalo (9)


(5) Nido-Rus vs bage1 (12) - extension


(4) Feyy vs xqiht (13)


(3) MADARAAAA vs raf (14)


(6) qsns vs SMB (11)


(7) Actuarily vs JRL (10)


(2) Akaru Kokuyo vs Arcticblast (15)
Top 8
(Player Cards by myself)


[Winner of (1) Yoda2798 vs Farfromani (16)] vs zee (8)


(4) Feyy vs bage1 (12)


(3) MADARAAAA vs qsns (6)


(2) Akaru Kokuyo vs Actuarily (7)
(Player Cards by myself)


(8) zee vs bage1 (12)


(2) Akaru Kokuyo vs qsns (6)
(Player Cards by myself)


(6) qsns vs bage1 (12)

As always, replays are required, but also be sure to post your match times on Discord so others can watch!
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go qsns go qsns go qsns go qsns go qsns go qsns go qsns go qsns go qsns go qsns go qsns go qsns go qsns go qsns go qsns go qsns go qsns go qsns go qsns go qsns go qsns go qsns go qsns go qsns go qsns go qsns go qsns go qsns go qsns go qsns go qsns go qsns go qsns go qsns go qsns go qsns go qsns go qsns go qsns
Since nobody's doing predictions and no one made them last year, I decided to make them.

Yoda2798 vs Farfromani - I honestly don't know much about Farfromani, but Yoda looked really solid on OSDT and is top seed so I think he's heavily favored.

zee vs entrocefalo - entrocefalo is a great player, but I think zee is better than him in dou.

Nido-rus vs bage1 - Nido is really good, I played vs him on OSDT and lost pretty badly so I have a lot of respect for him as a player, but he sometimes brings some pretty strange and basically borderline viable pokemon, while bagel is also a pretty solid player but uses really good teams. I teamed up with bagel for scl so I know he'll dedicate a lot for this game and I think he'll end up with a good mu and win from there, but even if he doesn't get the mu, he plays very solidly so it should be a great game regadless.

Feyy vs xqhit - This is the mu where I'm the most unsure on who to predict, I think Feyy might be a bit more favored for his results on scl but I think xqhit will win.

MADARAAAA vs raf - Madara has been very consistent and playing really well these last 2 years (and he should've been drafted for scl...) while raf only had 1 good tour this year and although he got drafted for scl I think Madara is a better player and should win.

qsns vs SMB - This is the highlight game, both are incredible and very solid players, always bringing great and creative teams, so it's a bit hard to predict. But I think qsns has been more solid in the tier this year and might have a better understanding on the meta, but SMB can overcome this as I think he's a slightly better player. I think both are pretty consistent and it might come down to whoever has a better matchup.

Actuarily vs JRL - Another really great game with 2 incredible players, but I think JRL is one of the favorites to win this tour.

Akaru Kokuyo vs Arcticblast - Arctic made a very impressive ssnl run making it to loser's finals and reached semis on Homefield, but he hasn't had good results on the post home meta and I think Akaru is a really great player and is another favorite to win this tour.

Good luck to everyone! Cheering for bagel, Madara and Akaru!
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